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Ebola outbreak: 2nd person dies in Mali By Faith Karimi and Marilia Brocchetto, CNN
November 12, 2014 -- Updated 1206 GMT (2006 HKT)

Eight of nine Ebola patients who've been treated in the U.S. have survived the dangerous virus. That includes Dr.Craig Spencer. Officials say he's cured of the disease less than a month after he was diagnosed with it.
Dr. Spencer had contracted Ebola while treating victims in Guinea, but he didn't show symptoms until after he'd gotten back home to New York.
At this time, there are no other people in the U.S. with the hemorrhagic fever. That's not the case in Africa. In this year's outbreak, more than 13,000 Ebola cases have been reported, half of those who've gotten it in Africa have died.
In a region desperate for good news, some progress in the fight against the Ebola epidemic. At treatment centers in Liberia,there are more empty beds and fewer burials. A sign that the number of cases is down.
The surprising slowdown was confirmed by the World Health Organization. Health officials say they are cautiously optimistic, but warn against declaring a premature victory.
This are slowing down. But are we there yet? No. Do we need to do more? Yes.
Even more treatment centers are being built, as international aid continues to arrive in the region. We just entered the high risk area in Monrovia medical unit.
This one of the kind treatment center built by U.S. troops is set to open. U.S. health workers have been training extensively at the 25 bed facility to trade medical workers infected with the virus.
A different scene in neighboring Sierra Leone where the number of Ebola cases continues to climb. Treatment centers in Freetown are still crowded with the sick.
And outside the capital, aid workers are busy delivering food to rural villages that remain under quarantine.
And in Ghana, West African leaders were screened with the laser thermometer for signs of the virus as they gather to talk about how to fight the epidemic. They say despite some short term gains, economies in the hardest hit nations are still suffering, and much more international help is needed.
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