Seek the old blood. Let us pray... let us wish... to partake in communion. Let us partake in communion... and feast upon the old blood.
Our thirst for blood satiates us, soothes our fears. Seek the old blood... but beware the frailty of men. Their wills are weak, minds young.
The foul beasts will dangle nectar and lure the meek into the depths. Remain wary of the frailty of men. Their wills are weak, minds young.
Were it not for fear, death would go unlamented.
意译。 展开
Our thirst for blood satiates us, soothes our fears. Seek the old blood... but beware the frailty of men. Their wills are weak, minds young.
The foul beasts will dangle nectar and lure the meek into the depths. Remain wary of the frailty of men. Their wills are weak, minds young.
Were it not for fear, death would go unlamented.
意译。 展开
2025-01-20 广告
2025-01-20 广告
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