
四、从正与反案例中得到的启示(一)居安思危,未雨绸缪,树立危机意识。墨菲定律强调,如果事情有变坏的可能,哪怕只有很小的可能,那么它向最终变坏的方向发展的可能就会很大。因此... 四、从正与反案例中得到的启示
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2015-11-24 · TA获得超过4.7万个赞
Four, from working with the case of revelation
(a) in time of peace prepare for war, save for a rainy day, foster a sense of crisis.Murphy's law emphasized that if things change bad, even if only a small possibility of it to the end of bad direction could be very big.Therefore, the enterprise group must establish crisis consciousness, suffering consciousness, and attaches great importance to all kinds of potential and real crisis, hold fluky psychology, think the enterprise does not happen crisis itself is the biggest crisis.Man proposes, god disposes, improve the immunity of enterprises the ability to identify the key is to train staff to the crisis crisis knowledge, paying attention to and sensitive to capture all kinds of complex information crisis signal, the psychological endurance in a crisis.
(2) clear responsibilities, the establishment of crisis command system.Crisis at present, the idea is various, in order to ensure the order prudent, projects, must be established by experts to participate in, focus on public relations, marketing, security, communications, finance, law and so on various aspects of the excellent talents, the crisis management team, clear its function specification and all departments of the related responsibility.The crisis management team should be based on full authorization, investigate the truth, study countermeasures, design solutions, deal with the public and media, organization specific actions.Need at any time in the crisis management decision-making, turabi and the chief executive to the particularity of the procedural requirements must be in place to direct.If the power and responsibility is not clear, principal foot-dragging will conflict and chaos.
(3) investigate the facts, the effective integration of various resources.When the crisis after the incident, quickly into the scene, the investigation about the facts, understanding of relevant personnel consciousness, psychological state, master the command and control, material and equipment, organizational guarantee, such as basic conditions, to find the best solutions.The results of the survey is good for business, should inform the public at the fastest speed, if the results of the survey as bad for business, also want to show the truth, a commitment;If all aspects have different views, the authorities should be invited as soon as possible to make a scientific and fair test.
(4) rapid response, earnestly resolve contradictions."Very, very rules."In view of the characteristics of sudden crisis, to minimize harm, must first start the reaction mechanism of crisis management, reduce the organization and management level, decision-making and action quickly, for the public in the shortest time feel the enterprise attitude and action, the understanding of society, make the crisis successfully resolved.Response speed of the crisis, often directly affect the spread of the crisis and deterioration, could decided to seize the moment and even the crisis in the bud.If layer upon layer for instructions, pay attention to link the program, it is possible in society, delay aircraft.
(5) open honest, maintain the public interest.Modern society, the enterprise is a social enterprise, the enterprise is directly related to the products, services and consumers, enterprises of any crisis could make the social public speculation, if not as good as communication with the public, is easy to produce all sorts of rumors, misunderstanding.Therefore, after the crisis, enterprises want to win the trust of the public, you need to open, honest attitude, provide to me as soon as possible to give priority to the event information and action.The more to hide the truth, more can cause even more suspect.Deal with the crisis not only from the perspective of enterprise itself, but also to consider the public interest, especially the damage from enterprise products and services to customers, the public, therefore, to apologize for the first time, rapidly improve the quality and service.If you want to immediate interests and corporate interests, regardless of the public interest, just reduce the enterprise cost and loss, is bound to be more cost.
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