A recent survey shows that some people prefer the higher-paying job even though it requests a longer hours than those low-paying job, especially among the young
Comparations bewteen man and woman.
Man and woman are born to be different.The differences bewteen the o are far more than the sexual itself.The differences lie in the way of consideration,the way of munication and the attitudes toward most things in life.
Man are supposed to be more adept at logical work and calculation,so they are more likely to be engaged in the jobs connected to reserching or investigating.
Woman are more inclined to take up a career like clerk, assistant or something to with the serving industry.
But there is no certain for that.
Man and woman are just different,and that is the biggest grace that god give us.The differences creat the very space that could contain the most shining thing in this world,namely love.
英语作文 男人和女人的区别
男人和女人的不同 英语作文
the difference beeen men and women!
Men feel they are loved when needed, but for women, they feel that when cherished. Since man’s sense of self is defined through his suess and acplishment, they express their love by giving presents. The levels of love are proportional to the presents’ values. In contrast, a woman’s sense of self is defined through her feelings and the quality of her relationships. They express their love by sharing and they empathize on their emotions. If men and women do not understand each other, arguments may be resulted. For example, a woman likes to share with her hu *** and when she is upset and she thinks it is a way to express her love. However, if a man misinterpreted and so he empathizes on giving solutions or change her view due to the hope to be ‘useful’ and ‘needed’, despite the hard work involved, he will be upset by the negative response from her. There are many examples in this book to explain this point. At this moment, men should listen patiently to let his partner know she is being cared and loved.
The different ways to solve the problems.
Because of different self definitions, men like to solve problems alone but women are opposite. Men do not like unsolicited advice from others since they think they must be ‘useful’. However, women think that sharing their problems can solve the problems, so they are strange about the rejection of advice for men. For example, if a man gets lost, he does not want his partner to give him advice, but he wants to do his best to achieve the goal. This gives him sense of achievement. In this book, the author empathizes on this point in various chapters. It is one of the most important points in maintaining a good relationship beeen both sexes.
The way of using language.
To fully express their feelings, women assume poetic license and use various superlatives, metaphors and generalizations. They usually use extreme words to express their feelings. However, men may *** yze the words logically and so they may misinterpret what women say. Due to the misunderstanding, conflicts may be resulted. In this book, it provides a ‘Translation dictionary’ to help couples understand their different languages.
My afterthought in association with my practical experience.
In my personal experience, I think what the author writes is true, even for unmarried men and women. As a man, it is really no use to give solutions to my female friends if they express their problems like the difficulties in studying and the relationships with their schoolmates. They will ignore my advice if I do so, and I really feel unhappy at that time. After reading this book, now I know the reason behind – they do not want my advice, they just only want to share their problems and my listening ears only. They will solve their problems on their own.
Lastly, the book also provides some practical skills to create and maintain a good relationship, such as how to avoid arguments, how to satisfy the partners’ emotional needs and motivate them, how to municate difficult feelings and how to ask for and get support.
Men and women need different kinds of love. Women need caring, understanding, respect, devotion, validation and reassurance. On the other hand, men need trust, aeptance, appreciation, admiration, approval and encouragement. To avoid conflicts beeen o sexes, we cannot be demanding, resentful, judgmental and intolerant. Otherwise, they lead to mistrust, rejection and repression. The magic of love is then lost.
人人都说“男 生女生 不一样”,的确如此,男 生女生 在对许多事情的态度上的确不一样,这使得男 生女生 各有许多优势和劣势。比如说在胆量方面,男生就占优势了。也许是因为男生比较“野”吧,男生的胆子实在有些大,什么事都干得出来。记得在三年级的时候,有一天上课,教室里有只大蜘蛛,老师让我们不管它,可是那蜘蛛爬来爬去,突然 掉了下来 ,掉在一张课桌上,附近的女生立即发出高分贝的尖叫,甚至有几个女生站到了课桌外,这时,几个男生立即冲上去,三下五除二就把蜘蛛踩成了“肉泥。”。这充分证明男生的胆子很大,但是有些同学把胆子用错了地方,比如不遵守纪律,破坏公物,甚至是吸菸等不良行为,这些都是不好的。又比如说在学习的细心方面,男生就处于劣势了。男生做什么事也都草草了事,一般都不检查,而女生呢,做什么事都是三思而行,做作业恨不得连一加一也要用计算器检查。因此,女生的成绩一般是中上。其实,男生只要在学习上加点耐心,细心,成绩绝不比女生差。只是男生都比较贪玩,又是被动地学习,把学习当成是枯燥无味的,既没时间又没兴趣,成绩当然比较差。再说说性格方面, 男生性 格大胆,调皮,活泼,较害怕文科,喜欢时尚,一般喜欢黑,白,灰等颜色,一般都比女生随便,较不爱打扮,但喜欢装酷,喜欢羽毛球,篮球,足球等需要体力的运动,而女生性格胆小,文静,较害怕理科,喜欢漂亮衣物头饰等,喜欢红,黄等鲜艳的衣物,爱面子,爱美到极点,视别人说她不漂亮为耻,一般不喜欢运动。
男人和女人的区别大吗如题 谢谢了
颜色不同,男人是红色的,女人是淡蓝色的! 女人有两个优点,但有一个漏洞;男人虽然没有优点,却有一个长处;男人经常抓住女人的两个优点,用 自己的长处弥补女人的漏洞,这叫天衣无缝。男人为何聪明?男人有两个头,女人为何爱吃?女人有两张 嘴,男女为何结婚?男人想通了,女人想开了,又为何离婚?男人知道深浅了,女人知道长短了。营养学 家研究婚后男人发胖而女人瘦的原因:男人每晚有两袋鲜奶,一个燕窝,两个鲍鱼片;而女人每晚只有一 根火腿肠,两个鹌鹑蛋。男人是牛,女人是地,没有耕坏的地,只有累死的牛;牛越耕越瘦,地越耕越熟 ;好火费碳,好女费汉,男人要性福,更应要性命。
男人和女人的区别是什么?如题 谢谢了
男人想要保护女人,女人需要被保护, 女人想要送人温暖,男人渴望被温暖。 其实男女没有什么不同, 更多的是互补。
男人和女人的区别 曾有人说过:男人是多情和长情的。而女人则是专情与绝情。 男人可以在他已和一个喜欢的人在一起的时候,在他的心里说不定还有一个或更多的“她”存在。因为他多情。男人可以在多年以后心中还在掂记着他的女朋 友现在过得是否安好。因为他长情。 女人却不一样。当她和一个喜欢的人在一起的时候,她所想的就是他,她所做的也就是为了他。这时,即使有一个比现在的更好的男人出现,她也不会放弃他的。因为她的专情。而当她决定放弃他的时候,那就是说一切都没有余地了。因为她绝情。 男人,天生就是多情的。只是,他会对某一个人最长情。但这个人成为他妻子的可能性几乎为零。 女人,天生就是专情的。只是,她会对某一个人最绝情。但这个人成为她的仇人的可能性几乎是零。 男人和女人真的很不一样。当男人知道以前的女朋友现在过得不好,他会去安慰她,而当女人知道以前的男朋友现在过得不好时,大部分肯定不会去安慰他。 对男人来说,女人是要来保护的,而他则成了个大英雄。对女人来说,男人是要来依赖的,而她则成了个小鸟儿。 女人不明白怎么男人可以有这么多的心去记着那么多的情。而男人不明白怎么女人可以这么决心的忘了一段情。 其实,男人对你说分手的时候应该还有余地的。因为他多情,也因为他长情。女人对你说分手的时候那就是没有余地了。因为她专情,也因为她绝情。 就好比,男人和男人之间爱搭肩膀以示友好,而女人和女人之间则爱手拉着手以示友好。相对来说,男人在开心和不开心的时候都喜欢大笑。而女人呢,在开心的时候她会开怀而笑,在伤心的时候她会伤心的痛哭。男子汉,流血不流泪。女人呢?如果她在伤心的时候还满面笑容的话,那别人肯定会以为她有问题了。 一个女人要决心和你分手的时候,你就不要妄想可以再把她的人和心留下。一个女人是不会轻易的把分手二字说出口的。但,一个男人说要和你分后的时候,你还可以努力一把,说不定你们还会有机会。很简单。就是多情和长情,专情与绝情之分。 在一个女人全身心的投入到一段感情中去的时候,那她的心是牢不可破的。但一个男人全身心投入到一段感情中去的时候,却还是可以有间隙让另一个她有机可乘。 当女人决定,她要离开他的时候,那这段情就真的完蛋了。不要问为什么,这个结果是必然的。 当男人决定,他要离开她的时候,那她还可以补救的,未必完蛋。同样的,这个结果是必然的。 女人的眼睛天生用来搜寻虚荣 男人的眼睛天生用来搜寻女人 男人的嘴巴天生用来为女人撒谎 女人的耳朵天生用来听男人撒谎 女人的嘴巴天生用来唠叨 男人的耳朵天生用来听女人的唠叨 男人的眼泪天生不轻弹 女人的眼泪天生是为男人而流 男人的心在 事业 女人的心在 男人