Windows Media Player

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2022-11-19 · TA获得超过4717个赞



c:/programme file/ windwos media player/ uninstall / control panel
add/ remove sofare/ select media player
remove and install media player 10 why you want to use old version 2007-08-22 18:28:20 补充: 第一行即系去c drive
跟住条路行揾番你个media player去uninstall第二行去控制台既新增/移险程式..揾你个media player
跟住移除之后你可以装media player 10点解你要用旧版本
Rolling back to a previous version of the Player Windows Media Player is a feature of the Windows operating system and cannot be removed entirely. However
in Windows XP
you can roll back to the version of the Player that was previously on your puter. You must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group to perform the following procedure. Disconnect any portable music or video devices that might be attached to your puter. Click Start
and then click Control Panel. In the Category View of Control Panel
click Add or Remove Programs
and then click Remove a program. Click Windows Media Player 11
and then click Remove. If Windows Media Player 11 is not displayed in the list of currently installed programs
then try the following: At the top of the list
select the Show updates check box. In the Windows XP - Sofare Updates section
click Windows Media Player 11
and then click Change/Remove. In each of the o confirmation dialog boxes that appear
click OK. When the rollback process is plete (it might take several minutes)
click Restart. Click Start
and then click Control Panel. In the Category View of Control Panel
click Add or Remove Programs
and then click Remove a program. Click Windows Media Format 11 Runtime
and then click Remove. If Windows Media Format 11 Runtime is not displayed in the list of currently installed programs
then try the following: At the top of the list
select the Show updates check box. In the Windows XP - Sofare Updates section
click Windows Media Format 11 Runtime
and then click Change/Remove. If you installed a non-US English version of Windows Media Player 11
the instructions in the dialog boxes that are mentioned in steps 9
and 11 might appear in English. In the first confirmation dialog box that appears
click OK. In the second confirmation dialog box that appears
select the Do you want to continue with the rollback? check box
and then click OK. When the rollback process is plete (it might take several minutes to plete)
click Restart. Click Start
and then click Control Panel. In the Category View of Control Panel
click Add or Remove Programs
and then click Remove a program. Click Microsoft User-Mode Driver Framework Feature Pack 1.0.0
and then click Remove. Follow the instructions that appear in the Sofare Update Removal Wizard. If the Wudf01000 confirmation dialog box appears
click Yes to continue. When the sofare removal process is plete (it might take several minutes to plete)
click Finish. Note If you remove Windows Media Player 11 and the Windows Media Format 11 Runtime
and then encounter error C00D271D ("A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management ponent. Contact Microsoft product support.")
you might be able to resolve the problem by installing the Windows Media Format 9.5 Runtime. For information about installing the Runtime
in the Microsoft Knowledge Base
see article 891122
"Update for Windows Media Digital Rights Management-enabled players." You might not be able to roll back to a previous version of the Player if the hidden folder $NtUninstallwmp11$ is deleted from your puter. Some non-Microsoft programs (such as CCleaner) delete this folder in an attempt to remove unwanted files from your puter.
参考: microsoft/windows/window *** edia/player/11/readmex#RollingbacktoapreviousversionofthePlayer

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