渡过 的英文
go through the hard time of sth.
1. cross the harbour (渡过一海峡) 2. go through the ordeal (渡过一难关)
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渡过 to cross over pass through
to tide over--He does not want to sell his car at present to tide over his period of unempolyment
to provide money for his needs. to get over-- He cannot get over with his hardship. to manage to cope with---He cannot manages to cope with his problem.
渡过 的英文 Tide out
through prep. 通过;穿过;凭借adv. 彻底;从头至尾adj. 直达的;过境的;完结的
参考: me
1. cross the harbour (渡过一海峡) 2. go through the ordeal (渡过一难关)
我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源: englishstudy.info 希望可以帮到你!
渡过 to cross over pass through
to tide over--He does not want to sell his car at present to tide over his period of unempolyment
to provide money for his needs. to get over-- He cannot get over with his hardship. to manage to cope with---He cannot manages to cope with his problem.
渡过 的英文 Tide out
through prep. 通过;穿过;凭借adv. 彻底;从头至尾adj. 直达的;过境的;完结的
参考: me