1.A good way to 戚仿build up a bank account is to put a little bit of money in it every month.要建立一个银行户头的好方法就是每个月存点钱进去。
2.Extensive Documentation giving both a Quick Start section and an in depth explnation of every aspect of the Tree Explorer.广泛的文件给双方一个快速启动的第一个在作深入的解释的各个方面该树的总管。
3.It seems to be a short step from believing that every event has a cause to believing that every disaster is our fault.好像是很短的一步,从相信所有的事情都有原因到相信所有的灾害都是我们的错误。
4.To shut him up, one day I suggested that I stay with him all day and note down every single thing he does.为了让他闭嘴,有天我提议我一整天陪着他并记下他做的每一件事。
5.Just how much we miss them on our television screens every Thursday night.每周四晚我们是有多么的想念他们,希望他们出现在电视屏幕上。