
一首英文歌,我觉得比较欢快,歌词里好像有什么crazy,tellmewhy/why的,男生唱的,谁能告诉我它叫什么名字,最好有下载地址... 一首英文歌,我觉得比较欢快,歌词里好像有什么crazy,tell me why/why的,男生唱的,谁能告诉我它叫什么名字,最好有下载地址 展开
 我来答
2008-08-29 · TA获得超过1634个赞
你好,朋友,这首歌是当时一个英国小男孩唱的,歌名就叫tell me why,下面是歌词:
In my dream,children sing
A song of love for every boy and girl
The sky is blue and fields are green:
And laughter is the language of the world
Then i wake and all i see
Is a world full of people in need
Tell me why(why) does it have to be like this?
Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?
Tell me why (why) cos i don"t understand
When so many need somebody
We don"t give a helping hand Tell me why?
Everyday i ask myself
What will i have to do to be a man?
Do i have to stand and fight
To prove to everybody who i am?
Is that what my life is for
To waste in a world full of war?
(children)tell me why?(declan)tell me why?
(children)tell me why?(declan)tell me why?
(together) just tell me why, why, why?
chorus chant:
Tell me why (why,why,does the tiger run)
Tell me why(why why do we shoot the gun)
Tell me why (why,why do we never learn)
Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?
(why,why do we say we care)
Tell me why(why,why)
附:天使之音——Declan Galbraith

Declan Galbraith已是英国最畅销的童声歌手之一。他的歌声清彻迷人,高音清亮,极富感染力……

“如果天使会唱歌,那个天使一定是——declan galbraith。” 在我没有听到这个年仅12岁的英国小男孩的音乐之前,我并不以为然,但当他那美得残酷的高音震撼着你的heart时,你会明白, 他的声音是用心去听得,而不仅仅是你的耳朵。

每天晚上,我都会一个人静静的感受declan galbraith高亢甜美的声音,他的声音更适合在午夜聆听。因而 有人说他的声音是“在黑暗中穿行的高亢而又凄迷的童声”. 透明、清澈、高亢、凄迷、残酷、纯粹、甜美、轻柔、虔诚、荡气回肠、行云流水、催人泪下,当然还有天籁,declan galbraith的声音是个超级混合体,无论是古典还是流行他都能信手拈来,这就是很多人叫他“神童”的原因吧。还有他声音里 永远藏匿的童心——这是12岁年龄天然赋予他的宝贵而稀缺的财富——想躲也躲不掉。declan galbraith通过他在维也纳童声合唱团的领唱而被发现并推广,这幸运的不仅仅是他本人,也让我们幸运地可以张开自己封闭已 久的耳朵和心灵,倾听又一个爱尔兰的音乐传奇。

declan galbraith今年12岁,4岁开始展露歌唱天赋;8岁那年,他开始参加一些音乐比赛,并在14个月中曾经获得16个大奖。 他获得了词作家barry mason(写过last waltz-最后的华尔兹的作者)的欣赏,从此一发不可收。我们听到的这首walking in the air是2001年录制的,那时候他才9岁。据传好几家唱片公司争相与他签约,最后emi(百代)以超过百万英镑之巨,签了他3 年,并承诺发行3张唱片。

大家都相信这个小男孩的音乐天赋和对爱尔兰传统音乐的理解及热爱,来自他的祖父ben。才6个星期左右,就是ben照顾他了 。ben常常在酒吧演奏六孔笛和爱尔兰鼓,并常常带上他。declan从小就耳濡目染;祖父96年去世,可是declan忘不了 他,他的第一张专辑(declan)就是献给他祖父的。

declan的声音,清亮脱俗,演唱歌曲的范畴也是极广。从流行的angels之类到carrickfergus这样传统的 爱尔兰歌曲,他都把握得不错。而这个小小童星的心愿却是有一天能够不再翻唱别人的歌曲,能有几首属于“declan galbraith”的歌。

除了天使般的声音,declan小小年纪,已经表现星探们热衷的所谓“明星气质”--一头松软的深色头发,浓密的睫毛,明亮 清澈的蓝眼睛,充满童真颇富感染力的笑容,还有满满的自信。更重要的是,他从不怯场,每次上台都异常兴奋;应该说,也有过一次紧 张,那是在圣保罗大教堂女王特赦的演出上。为robbie williams和phil collins制作mtv的john carver十分有信心的说,“declan注定要成为一个超级巨星的,不仅是因为他超群的声音,更重要的是他极好的个性,他非常聪明。”

除了他的音乐天赋,以及身后的百万合同,declan和12岁的其它小男孩没有什么分别。喜欢足球,电脑游戏和游泳,房间里 贴满海报,足球,robbie williams,westlife,还有哈里波特。他也曾为签名不够快而苦恼,直到听从父亲的建议,用“dec”签名才算解决 ;他也会在采访中忍不住想要从凳子上逃走,当然会事先礼貌的问“我可以很快去踢球吗?”他喜欢的歌手包括carole king,the fureys,christy moore, led zeppelin,robbie williams 和westlife。

declan一边上学一边参与专辑的推广。他有专门的家教,确保他不会因为缺课而影响学业;他有专门的造型设计师,帮他打点 armani的定购,带他去toni and guy"s做头发,也有专门的声乐导师和经纪人,还有他的歌友会。这对于一个床头还摆着恐龙惦记着遥控车的小男孩,似乎的确有 些兴师动众了。

英国媒体对于过早享有声名的儿童,通常不是太客气的。当2002年declan发行第一张专辑的时候,就有媒体预言在他16 岁之前,不会吸毒就会酗酒,而父母多半等不到那时候就已经离婚了。declan的父母,颇有信心的表示他们不会做急进的父母,他 们只需要支持declan做他喜欢做的事情。当然,他们也表示了自己的担心,这么小的一个孩子,就已经获得了经济上的保障,而不 必像普通人那样为分期付款担心,的确不是太好的事。

事实上,declan已经是这个4口之家(父母和7岁的妹妹)唯一的经济来源。妈妈自小孩出生后就离职了,做电工的爸爸也已经辞工全程陪同declan。对于很多成人歌星也羡慕的百万合同,declan说,“其实我拿不到这么多,100万是公司承诺投 入在我身上的全部资金。不过我不在意,我只是喜欢唱歌而已。”在一段自白中,declan也说道,他最希望的是能够照顾好家人, 父母再也不用去工作;如果他有了钱,会给爸爸买一辆新车;如果还有剩余,就给自己买些足球球星卡;如果还有多,就存进银行。很可爱很单纯的小孩。

declan翻唱的大名鼎鼎的歌曲:john lennon的imagin,robbie williams的angels,allure的mama said。。。那首《tell me why》我不知道是不是为他独身打造的,因为我在网上找不到相关说明,但是我觉得这首歌就是应该为他而写的。因为觉得这首歌想表达的就是对世人们总总作为的困惑,包括人与自然,人与人之间冷漠的关系。歌曲前奏仔细听你会发现是夹杂有鸟鸣 的潮水的声音,营造的就是一种自然的气氛,然而人们却对这样的环境作了什么?高潮部分的高亢旋律,是一个孩童对世人的责问。一步一步地tell me why 并不是要寻获答案,而是唤醒沉睡的世人。所以我觉得用一个高亢而又凄迷的童声才是最有震撼的。
推荐于2016-12-02 · 超过11用户采纳过TA的回答
Everything But Mine - Backstreet Boys


Lrc made by 51isoft
Walking along the sky
Chasing a glimpse of you
Painting a world with stars I found inside your eyes
Up here above the haze
Everything looks so clear
Wondering what it would be like if you were here
And time, it takes time (takes time)
But I can’t wait
To tell you how I feel
Oh, you’re the calm when my world is crashing
My heart, my blood, my passion
Why, tell me why
You’re everything but mine
I hold you close when it all goes crazy
And through it all, you’d be my lady
Why, tell me why
You’re everything, everything but mine
You don’t have to be afraid
Of somebody else’s touch
Just gimme a chance to prove
Just how you should be loved
And time, it takes time (takes time)
It’s not too late
To tell you how I feel
Oh, you’re the calm when my world is crashing
My heart, my blood, my passion
Why, tell me why
You’re everything but mine
I hold you close when it all goes crazy
And through it all, you’d be my lady
Why, tell me why
You’re everything, everything but mine
Everything thing but mine, ooh
Mine I know, oh baby
Someday you’ll come around
I’m gonna leave the light on
And I won’t let you down
No I won’t let you down
I won’t let you down
Oh, you’re the calm when my world is crashing
My heart, my blood, my passion
Why, tell me why
You’re everything but mine
I hold you close when it all goes crazy
And through it all, you’d be my lady
Why, tell me why
You’re everything, everything but mine
You’re everything but mine, yeah
You’re everything but mine, yeah, ooh
You’re the sun
You’re the star
You’re the moon
You're the rain
Love your lips, love your eyes
Drivin' me insane
Oh baby, baby
Oh you're everything but mine, yeah
You're everything but mine
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2008-08-29 · TA获得超过573个赞

Why does Monday, come before Tuesday
Why do summers start in June
Why do winters come too soon
Why do people fall in love
When they're always breaking up, oh why
Why do we love if love will die
Why does Wednesday come after Tuesday
Why do flowers come in May
Why springtime go away
Why do people fall in love
When they're always breaking up, oh why
Why do I love you tell me why
It's not like I can explain what's in my heart
It's just I feel a crazy pain when we're apart
I don't wanna breathe, I don't wannna think
I don't wanna learn
I don't wanna do anything
It's not like I can describe what's going on
It's just I feel I'm not alive
When you're not home
I don't wanna sleep, I don't wanna be
I just want you here beside me
Without you there's no me
Why does Monday come before Tuesday
Why do summers start in June
Why do winters come too soon
Why do people fall in love
When they're always breaking up, oh why
Why do we love if love will die
Why does Wednesday come after Tuesday
Why do flowers come in May
Why does springtime go away
Why do people fall in love
When they're always breaking up, oh why
Why do I love you tell me why
It's not like I can escape, what's in my soul
Cause without you inside my heart
Where can I go
I don't wanna see, girl you without me
I can't go through life without you
Without you there's no me
Why does Monday come before Tuesday
Why do summers start in June
Why do winters come too soon
Why do people fall in love
When they're always breaking up, oh why
Why do we love if love will die
Why do the rivers flow to the sea
In every flow I get your love over me, babe
Why does my heart miss your kiss
To be in love, to fall in love
Why don't I feel complete
Why does Monday come before Tuesday
Why do summers start in June
Why do winters come too soon
Why do people fall in love
When they're always breaking up, oh why
Why do we love if love will die
Why does Wednesday come after Tuesday
Why do flowers come in May
Why does springtime go away
Why do people fall in love
When they're always breaking up, oh why
Why do I love you tell me why
Tell me why
Tell me why
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2008-08-29 · 超过31用户采纳过TA的回答
后街男孩的,BLACK AND BLUE 里面的一首歌,以前听过,年长了,是在想不起名字叫什么了。
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2008-08-29 · TA获得超过346个赞
歌曲:tell me why
歌手:will smith 专辑:lost and found

或者是,歌曲:why 歌手:3t
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