
ADRIANSMITHasknownbyBruceDickinsonIfirstmetAdrianwhenIwasinSamsonandhe’djustjoinedIro... ADRIAN SMITH as known by Bruce Dickinson
I first met Adrian when I was in Samson and he’d just joined Iron Maiden. We were over the road from each other in different studios; we were doing the second Samson album and he was doing ‘Killers’. He was very much the new boy in the band, but I was really impressed with the style of his guitar playing. And he was dead rock and roll. He was skinny, pasty and waiflike, and he looked really cool!
He’s a pretty mellow person, and he’s got a very dry sense of humour. His nickname in the band used to be Willie-Orwontee - not for nothing! He likes to take his time over things, which is not a bad thing and in the old days when we used to do soundchecks together, we’d all be waiting for him, he’s such a perfectionist over sound.

In a world populated by faceless guitarists who all go to school to learn how to do it and end up all sounding virtually indistinguishable, Adrian has evolved a tone and style that is all his own and is unique. Nobody sounds like Adrian, and that is priceless. His guitar playing sounds lazy, like the notes are almost falling over each other but they never do. You actually hang on every note that he plays, because you don’t quite know where it’s going to go next.

He’s a very good athlete. When he plays football or tennis, he has a natural grace, and that’s what his guitar playing’s like. When he plays football, he gets the ball and you think, ‘He’s never going to get past that guy’, but suddenly, there’s a little shuffle and he’s dribbled past him. And it’s like watching him play guitar. I swear to God the timing is the same!

When he left the band in 1990, I think everybody was a bit surprised at how much we missed him and certainly, I don’t think anybody had realised how much the fans would miss him - big time. I wouldn’t have rejoined Iron Maiden if he wasn’t in the band. I just don’t think it would have been complete without Adrian, and now, it’s great having three guitarists.

I think possibly one of the greatest tracks he’s ever written is on the new album; it’s called ‘Paschendale’. When I was writing stuff with him for the album, I noticed he had lots of Siegfried Sassoon and other war books lying around, and he was researching this track. It’s a fantastic song and really evocative of the whole horrific period of warfare - a stunning piece of music, ten minutes long.

Adrian’s philosophy, I guess, goes back to something we were talking about one drunken night. He turned around and said, 'The thing about me is, all I’m interested in is just having a bit of a sing and a play', and that is at the root of everything that is Adrian. He’s happy having a drink, having a sing and playing guitar. And for something that’s that simple, he does it alarmingly well - especially the guitar playing.
 我来答
2008-08-31 · TA获得超过679个赞
翻译: 英语 » 中文

首先,我会见了阿德里安当我在黄山,他希望刚刚加入铁娘子乐队。我们均超过道路,由对方在不同的工作室,我们正在做的第二张专辑黄山和他做'杀手' 。他十分重视新的男童在乐队,但我是真的留下深刻印象的作风,他的吉他演奏。和他死了摇滚。他瘦,膏体和waiflike ,他期待真的很酷!
他是相当柔和的人,他有非常干燥的具有幽默感。他的昵称,在乐队曾经是威利- orwontee -不是没有!他喜欢以他的时间超过的东西,这是不是一件坏事,并在旧天,当我们用做soundchecks在一起,我们希望所有在等待他,他的这样一个较完美的声音。


他的一个很好的运动员。当他打的足球或网球,他有一个自然的宽限期,这正是他的吉他演奏的一样。当他打的足球,他得到球,你认为,他的永远不会得到过去佬' ,但突然间,有小Shuffle和他的dribbled过去他。和它的一样,看他发挥的吉他。我发誓,以上帝的时间是一样的!


我觉得可能是其中一个最大的轨道上,他的以往任何时候都以书面,是关于新专辑,它的所谓' paschendale ' 。当我写的东西与他的专辑,我发现他有很多齐格弗里德沙宣道和其他战争的书籍摆在周围,和他研究这条赛道。这是幻想和宋真的evocative的整个恐怖时期的战争-一个惊人的一段音乐, 1 0分钟长。

阿德里安的哲学,我猜想,可以追溯到我们谈论一个醉酒夜。他回过头说, '这件事对我的是,所有我感兴趣的只是有一个位元的一唱一和发挥' ,这是在根的一切是阿德里安。他的快乐有喝,有唱的和弹吉他。和一些的,就那么简单,他是否以及惊人的-特别是吉他演奏。
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