Scorpio comes from the balance place ,, in balance place here ,, because processed kisses the honey the interpersonal relationship bad , to produce in many psychological injury , day scorpion this constellations, was must solve the dear ones 、 friendship which and love injury balance place here stayed behind , from the pain walks , achieves slowly cures the effect. Question which cannot solve in the balance place, mainly after intimate relation ,, but a person intimate relation not content , must sell at a discount on the family power , the obvious truth is greatly the family who , marital unhappy person , create also faces the human who the breakage , destroys oneself family , to own enterprise also to face finally overturns. , The day scorpion state's life had in the past probably in the world life in the pain finishes the life experience ,, therefore in the fate cause's disposition, left behind the mood intense trace , in the world from to succeed in the past to defeat's course , inevitably in this th, must from be defeated scrubs to the success ,, therefore Scorpio's mind growth curriculum was the introspection and cures recovers. The introspection is the introspection life defeat's reason , cures is needs to treat because of the soul scar which is defeated produces.
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