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又值岁末年初,CZNS中国区采购部2013 年度采购研讨会于2013年11月28日和29日如期举行。
会议分两天进行,11月28日在上海总部由资深讲师从采购风险控制,供应连分析及采购战略计划制定三方面,对中国区采购团队进行培训,以拓展思路;11月29日大家移师吴江同里,总结2013年的工作,展望,规划之后几年各自工作的方向及重点。 受到培训讲师的启发,大家在整个会议过程中思路开阔,发言踊跃,对各自的工作领域进行了详细的现状分析和前景展望,提出了很多建设性的提议,极大的提升了团队的凝聚力和创造力。
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又值岁末年初,CZNS中国区采购部2013 年度采购研讨会于2013年11月28日和29日如期举行。
会议分两天进行,11月28日在上海总部由资深讲师从采购风险控制,供应连分析及采购战略计划制定三方面,对中国区采购团队进行培训,以拓展思路;11月29日大家移师吴江同里,总结2013年的工作,展望,规划之后几年各自工作的方向及重点。 受到培训讲师的启发,大家在整个会议过程中思路开阔,发言踊跃,对各自的工作领域进行了详细的现状分析和前景展望,提出了很多建设性的提议,极大的提升了团队的凝聚力和创造力。
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The Sixth East China Amateur Badminton Masters
The Sixth East China Amateur Badminton Masters, in 2013-9-1 ended in the Jiangsu province of Changzhou Olympic sports center. The contest organised by the China Badminton Masters tournament, competition with amateur clubgroup, municipal authorities group, foreign enterprise group and college group. There are more than 70 parameters team, about 800 athletes to participate in the.
Foreign groups the tournament a total of 10 foreign companies to participate inthe badminton club, CZNS (Changzhou) has sent 6 athletes to participate in the competition, the foreign group. In the game, players, make concerted efforts, hard work, fully display the employees the courage to struggle, to grasp the nettle, unremittingly spirited style. After fierce competition day,company badminton club with three wins and a negative record, captured inthird grades, and obtained 800 yuan reward.
CZNS Chinese District 2013 Annual Workshop on the purchasing departmentpurchasing
And the turn of the year, CZNS Chinese area purchasing 2013 annualprocurement Seminar on November 28, 2013 and 29 as scheduled.
The meeting in two days, in Shanghai in November 28th by the head office ofsenior lecturer from the procurement risk control, supply chain analysis and purchase strategy three aspects, carries on training to the China area purchasing team, to develop ideas; in November 29th we moved to WujiangTongli, summary of the 2013 work plan, forecast, after a few years of theirdirection and key. Inspired by the lecturer training, everybody in the wholeprocess of the meeting open-minded, spoke enthusiastically, their workingareas were discussed current situation analysis and prospects in detail, put forward many constructive suggestions, which greatly improved the team cohesion and creativity.
The Sixth East China Amateur Badminton Masters, in 2013-9-1 ended in the Jiangsu province of Changzhou Olympic sports center. The contest organised by the China Badminton Masters tournament, competition with amateur clubgroup, municipal authorities group, foreign enterprise group and college group. There are more than 70 parameters team, about 800 athletes to participate in the.
Foreign groups the tournament a total of 10 foreign companies to participate inthe badminton club, CZNS (Changzhou) has sent 6 athletes to participate in the competition, the foreign group. In the game, players, make concerted efforts, hard work, fully display the employees the courage to struggle, to grasp the nettle, unremittingly spirited style. After fierce competition day,company badminton club with three wins and a negative record, captured inthird grades, and obtained 800 yuan reward.
CZNS Chinese District 2013 Annual Workshop on the purchasing departmentpurchasing
And the turn of the year, CZNS Chinese area purchasing 2013 annualprocurement Seminar on November 28, 2013 and 29 as scheduled.
The meeting in two days, in Shanghai in November 28th by the head office ofsenior lecturer from the procurement risk control, supply chain analysis and purchase strategy three aspects, carries on training to the China area purchasing team, to develop ideas; in November 29th we moved to WujiangTongli, summary of the 2013 work plan, forecast, after a few years of theirdirection and key. Inspired by the lecturer training, everybody in the wholeprocess of the meeting open-minded, spoke enthusiastically, their workingareas were discussed current situation analysis and prospects in detail, put forward many constructive suggestions, which greatly improved the team cohesion and creativity.
The 6th in east China amateur badminton masters the 6th in east China amateur badminton masters, in changzhou city, jiangsu province in the 2013-9-1 Olympic sports center. This contest sponsored by the organizing committee of the China badminton masters, the game includes amateur club group, municipal authority group, foreign enterprise group and the group of colleges and universities. A total of more than 70 parameters, about 800 athletes. The competition of foreign enterprise group of 10 foreign CZNS (changzhou) badminton club sent 6 players, attended the foreign enterprise group game. Competition, the company team member together, hard working, full display company employees striving, grasped the nettle, persistent high style. After a day of fierce competition, the company's badminton club, with three wins a negative record, seized the foreign enterprise group, the third and received 800 yuan reward.
CZNS China purchasing 2013 annual conference newsletter and value at the beginning of the end, CZNS China purchasing 2013 annual conference in 2013, is scheduled to take place on November 28th and 29th. Meeting in two days, on November 28, headquarters in Shanghai by the senior lecturer from procurement risk control, supply three aspects analysis and sourcing strategy plan, training team for sourcing in China, to expand ideas; On November 29, everybody to wujiang tongli, summarizes the work of the 2013, outlook, planning after a few years the direction and focus of their work. Inspired by training lecturer, everyone thought is open, in the process of the whole meeting speaks enthusiastically, with their respective work areas has carried on the detailed analysis of the status quo and prospect, put forward many constructive proposals, greatly enhance the team's cohesion and creativity.
CZNS China purchasing 2013 annual conference newsletter and value at the beginning of the end, CZNS China purchasing 2013 annual conference in 2013, is scheduled to take place on November 28th and 29th. Meeting in two days, on November 28, headquarters in Shanghai by the senior lecturer from procurement risk control, supply three aspects analysis and sourcing strategy plan, training team for sourcing in China, to expand ideas; On November 29, everybody to wujiang tongli, summarizes the work of the 2013, outlook, planning after a few years the direction and focus of their work. Inspired by training lecturer, everyone thought is open, in the process of the whole meeting speaks enthusiastically, with their respective work areas has carried on the detailed analysis of the status quo and prospect, put forward many constructive proposals, greatly enhance the team's cohesion and creativity.