我最喜欢的地方 要问我最喜欢去的地方,当然是西湖啦!因为,西湖被称为“杭州第一湖”。 记得那一次,我第一次来到西湖,只见湖水清澈见底,既像一面镜子,又像一块无暇的碧玉。岸边的垂柳倒映在水中,仿佛一位秀丽的少女正梳理着油亮的头发。湖中追逐嬉戏的小鱼,给西湖添上了几分活泼的生气。 漫步在西湖边,好像走进童话中的宫殿一般,更像走进一副美丽的画卷,让人留恋忘返.下午,散步时,天空“哗哗”下起倾盆大雨,雨中的西湖,更有一种奇妙的情趣。一滴滴顽皮得像小孩子似的雨点儿连蹦带跳地落在平静的西湖上,“叮叮当当”就像一曲优美动听的交响曲,打破了西湖往日的平静。湖面上,眨眼间开放了无数雪白的水花,这边刚刚“凋谢”那里又开放了许多!各种各样的水花“竟相争艳”,为西湖增添了几分秀色。 那时我终于验证了“欲把西湖比西子,淡装浓摸总相宜。”这句古话。 The place I love the most Ask I most like to go, of course is in West Lake. "! Because, West Lake is known as the " first Hangzhou lake". Remember that time, the first time I came to West Lake, saw the water clear bottomed out, both as a mirror, like an unspoiled jasper. The weeping willow in the water, as if a beautiful young girls are combing the oily hair. Chase Lake fish, to West Lake to add somewhat lively angry. Walking on the West Lake side, like in fairy tales in the palace, more like into a beautiful picture, reluctant to leave. Afternoon, when walking, the sky" clang clang" under the downpour of rain, West Lake, is a wonderful taste. A bit naughty as a child of rain fell in West Lake bounded calm," clang" like a beautiful symphony of West Lake, broke the calm of the past. The lake, the blink of an eye open countless white spray, here and there just" fade" the opening of many! A variety of splashes" race to blooming," West Lake adds to the beauty of. When I finally verified" to the West Lake than the west, light equipment thick touch suitable." This adage.
Many people have favorite places they like to go to when they are feeling sad or bored.I,too,have favorite places that I go to as often as I can. Here are the three places that I like most.First of all,I like the zoo.The animals are amazing because some are so cute and some are so ugly!I like to pet them,feed them and watch them perform.Museums are cool places,too.They have good exhibits and fascinating displays.I like the works of art there.Some museumsteach me a lot about history and science.From dinosaus to robots,I love it all.Finally,theme parks are a blast.I love to go on the wild rides.I think the roller coasters are the best.It's fun to scream and get scared. These places always cheer me up.I tyr to go to each of my favorite places once a year.I am going to find more favorite places to go to when I grow up.