汇编语言 谁帮我看下错误啊
assume cs:code
stack segment
db 128 dup(0)
stack ends
code segement
start: mov ax,stack
mov ss,ax
mov sp,128
mov ax,0b800h
mov es,ax
mov ah,'a'
s: mov es:[160*12+40*2],ah
call delay
inc ah
cmp ah,'z'
jna s
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
delay: push ax
push dx
mov dx,1000h;循环10000000次,读者可以根据自己机器的速度调整循环次数
mov ax,0
s1: sub ax,1
sbb dx,0
cmp ax,0
jne s1
cmp dx,0
jne s1
pop dx
pop ax
code ends
end start
masm时 有29个severce错误
Blocking nesting error
Data emitted with no segment
segment parameters are changed
求大神详解 展开
stack segment
db 128 dup(0)
stack ends
code segement
start: mov ax,stack
mov ss,ax
mov sp,128
mov ax,0b800h
mov es,ax
mov ah,'a'
s: mov es:[160*12+40*2],ah
call delay
inc ah
cmp ah,'z'
jna s
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
delay: push ax
push dx
mov dx,1000h;循环10000000次,读者可以根据自己机器的速度调整循环次数
mov ax,0
s1: sub ax,1
sbb dx,0
cmp ax,0
jne s1
cmp dx,0
jne s1
pop dx
pop ax
code ends
end start
masm时 有29个severce错误
Blocking nesting error
Data emitted with no segment
segment parameters are changed
求大神详解 展开