电子信息工程专业英语(李白萍)中文翻译 20

•PowerfulProcessingCapability.Theencoding/decodingofavarietyofmediaplusthesynch... • Powerful Processing Capability. The encoding/decoding of a variety of media plus the synchronization of their presentation to the user require powerful processors.
• Compression Coding. The development of coding techniques for audio, image, and video has enabled multimedia communications to be compressed into available bandwidth. This enabled many multimedia systems to be developed before the availability of broadband networks. Broadband communications results in improved quality and lower end-to-end delay.
• Hypertext. Hypertext is a precursor to multimedia that was developed several years before the technology necessary for multimedia became available.[4] Using only one medium—image—it provided many of the interactive capabilities of multimedia systems and served to prime the market for the true multimedia that is becoming available today.
• Windowing. Windowing software gives an interface in which the user can interact with several files or software processes using a single screen. It was originally developed in a single medium situation—namely, image—and was rapidly extended to cater for motion video. It greatly enhances the interactive capabilities of many multimedia systems today.
Business Advantages of Multimedia Communications
There is a strong latent demand for multimedia communications as evidenced by:
• the use of videoconferencing to display a technical drawing or other object of discussion as well as the head and shoulders of the discussant. This is essentially the use of motion video to provide a still-image capability.
• the use of fax and data communication equipment during the course of a videoconferencing;
• the use of modems that allow voice and data communications over one voice-grade line.
These examples imply a demand for interactive combinations of all five communications media: audio, data, image, fax, and video.
The business effectiveness of multimedia communications can be estimated from the effectiveness of earlier forms of computer mediated communications (CMC) in which users exchange data, sometimes as an accompaniment to a telephone conversation. Business experience of CMC, and research into its benefits, is more established than for multimedia since it has been used since the mid-1970s. The effectiveness of CMC has been analyzed in business group decision-making situations and in educational settings as an instructional tool
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2008-09-25 · TA获得超过561个赞
• Powerful Processing Capability. The encoding/decoding of a variety of media plus the synchronization of their presentation to the user require powerful processors.

• Compression Coding. The development of coding techniques for audio, image, and video has enabled multimedia communications to be compressed into available bandwidth. This enabled many multimedia systems to be developed before the availability of broadband networks. Broadband communications results in improved quality and lower end-to-end delay.

• Hypertext. Hypertext is a precursor to multimedia that was developed several years before the technology necessary for multimedia became available.[4] Using only one medium—image—it provided many of the interactive capabilities of multimedia systems and served to prime the market for the true multimedia that is becoming available today.

• Windowing. Windowing software gives an interface in which the user can interact with several files or software processes using a single screen. It was originally developed in a single medium situation—namely, image—and was rapidly extended to cater for motion video. It greatly enhances the interactive capabilities of many multimedia systems today.

Business Advantages of Multimedia Communications
There is a strong latent demand for multimedia communications as evidenced by:

• the use of videoconferencing to display a technical drawing or other object of discussion as well as the head and shoulders of the discussant. This is essentially the use of motion video to provide a still-image capability.

• the use of fax and data communication equipment during the course of a videoconferencing;
• the use of modems that allow voice and data communications over one voice-grade line.

These examples imply a demand for interactive combinations of all five communications media: audio, data, image, fax, and video.
The business effectiveness of multimedia communications can be estimated from the effectiveness of earlier forms of computer mediated communications (CMC) in which users exchange data, sometimes as an accompaniment to a telephone conversation. Business experience of CMC, and research into its benefits, is more established than for multimedia since it has been used since the mid-1970s. The effectiveness of CMC has been analyzed in business group decision-making situations and in educational settings as an instructional tool
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