osts you much less than a taxi or even a bus and takes you only half of the time if you travel by other means.Therefore,if you are visiting Beijing,the local people will certainly recommend you to ride the subway wherever it is available.The first ride,however,may present you with some problems.This is how to go about it.
To begin with,having found the nearest subway entrance,you go down the stairs until you get to the ticket office.There,you buy a ticket,which costs 50 cents.Then,after passing through the ticket-collector,you walk down more stairs and get onto the platform.Make sure that you are on the right side of the platform for your train.While waiting for the train,you should stand behind the white line so as not to be hurt by the approaching train.Remember smoking is forbiden in a subway station.When your train has arrived,walk in quickly but do not push.Once inside it ,you find a seat.If there are no seats left,you should hold on to the horizantal poles as you do in a bus.For information of your destination,you may consult the map on the wall or listen for the announcement over the loud-speaker.On arriving at your stop,you step out of the train quickly and walk up the steps into the outside world.Then you have completed your first experience of riding a subway.
To begin with,having found the nearest subway entrance,you go down the stairs until you get to the ticket office.There,you buy a ticket,which costs 50 cents.Then,after passing through the ticket-collector,you walk down more stairs and get onto the platform.Make sure that you are on the right side of the platform for your train.While waiting for the train,you should stand behind the white line so as not to be hurt by the approaching train.Remember smoking is forbiden in a subway station.When your train has arrived,walk in quickly but do not push.Once inside it ,you find a seat.If there are no seats left,you should hold on to the horizantal poles as you do in a bus.For information of your destination,you may consult the map on the wall or listen for the announcement over the loud-speaker.On arriving at your stop,you step out of the train quickly and walk up the steps into the outside world.Then you have completed your first experience of riding a subway.
osts you much less than a taxi or even a bus and takes you only half of the time if you travel by other means.Therefore,if you are visiting Beijing,the local people will certainly recommend you to ride the subway wherever it is available.The first ride,however,may present you with some problems.This is how to go about it.
To begin with,having found the nearest subway entrance,you go down the stairs until you get to the ticket office.There,you buy a ticket,which costs 50 cents.Then,after passing through the ticket-collector,you walk down more stairs and get onto the platform.Make sure that you are on the right side of the platform for your train.While waiting for the train,you should stand behind the white line so as not to be hurt by the approaching train.Remember smoking is forbiden in a subway station.When your train has arrived,walk in quickly but do not push.Once inside it ,you find a seat.If there are no seats left,you should hold on to the horizantal poles as you do in a bus.For information of your destination,you may consult the map on the wall or listen for the announcement over the loud-speaker.On arriving at your stop,you step out of the train quickly and walk up the steps into the outside world.Then you have completed your first experience of riding a subway.
To begin with,having found the nearest subway entrance,you go down the stairs until you get to the ticket office.There,you buy a ticket,which costs 50 cents.Then,after passing through the ticket-collector,you walk down more stairs and get onto the platform.Make sure that you are on the right side of the platform for your train.While waiting for the train,you should stand behind the white line so as not to be hurt by the approaching train.Remember smoking is forbiden in a subway station.When your train has arrived,walk in quickly but do not push.Once inside it ,you find a seat.If there are no seats left,you should hold on to the horizantal poles as you do in a bus.For information of your destination,you may consult the map on the wall or listen for the announcement over the loud-speaker.On arriving at your stop,you step out of the train quickly and walk up the steps into the outside world.Then you have completed your first experience of riding a subway.
足球比赛 放学了,捷克曼小学的学生们又来到了绿茵
热身运动完毕,在裁判员的哨令下,双方开始争夺足球,你踢我扫,竟争激烈。突然,队长德诺班来了一个倒挂金钩,球传到了队员阿罗纳克斯脚下, “德诺班”队要射门了!这时,空气仿佛凝结了一样,大家双目圆睁,呼吸沉重,因为,这几天的胜负有可能就在这一次射门中决定!阿罗纳克斯看着这突然传来的足球,犹豫了一下,于是球又被“戈尔登”队的布吕诺迅速地从他的脚下抢走了。但是, “德诺班”队的孔塞伊以“凌波微步”在众脚争夺之下将球扫到自己的脚下,他没有像阿罗纳克斯那样犹豫不决,只见他将球旋到了脚背,以迅雷不及掩耳之势如猛虎下山一样踢向“戈尔登”队的球门。这时,小观众们都情不自禁大叫“哇!”。再看看对方“戈尔登”队,守门的是沉着冷静的伯里安。只见伯里安双眼警惕地注视着前方,分腿弓背,手戴皮手套,连膝盖破了也不顾。伯里安看到这像炸弹一样飞来的足
热身运动完毕,在裁判员的哨令下,双方开始争夺足球,你踢我扫,竟争激烈。突然,队长德诺班来了一个倒挂金钩,球传到了队员阿罗纳克斯脚下, “德诺班”队要射门了!这时,空气仿佛凝结了一样,大家双目圆睁,呼吸沉重,因为,这几天的胜负有可能就在这一次射门中决定!阿罗纳克斯看着这突然传来的足球,犹豫了一下,于是球又被“戈尔登”队的布吕诺迅速地从他的脚下抢走了。但是, “德诺班”队的孔塞伊以“凌波微步”在众脚争夺之下将球扫到自己的脚下,他没有像阿罗纳克斯那样犹豫不决,只见他将球旋到了脚背,以迅雷不及掩耳之势如猛虎下山一样踢向“戈尔登”队的球门。这时,小观众们都情不自禁大叫“哇!”。再看看对方“戈尔登”队,守门的是沉着冷静的伯里安。只见伯里安双眼警惕地注视着前方,分腿弓背,手戴皮手套,连膝盖破了也不顾。伯里安看到这像炸弹一样飞来的足
realize the manifold blessings that