英语题(英汉词语翻译)
1个回答
展开全部
1.
Listed
2.
Go
Dutch
account
3.
Rely
on
4.
In
order
to
5.
Hear
6.
The
pedestrian
crossings
line
7.
World
championships
8.
Come
up
with
(idea)
9.
Behind
10.
Calm
11.
Was
he
accepted
13.
Be
nervous
14.
DuoCi,
repeatedly
18.
As......
Book
a
room
reservation.
20.
Come
up
with,
produce,
catch
up
21.
Start
to......
point
22.
Packed
with......
23.
See
24.
With...
Treat,
treat
26.
Not......
but
27.
Do
something
very...
28.
Remind
someone
look
out
something
30.
Breaking
the
world
record
31.
Ever
heard
of
32.
Make
money
33.
Want
to
someone
for
help
34.
And,
what
is
more
36.himself
37.
Continue
to
do
/
38.
Willing
to
do
39.
To
sb.
/
friendly
broken
glass.
42.
The
fine...
Cutting
small
43.
Gently
fry
a
Fried
meat
44.
Slowly
put
rice
added
to
it
45.
The...
Cut
into......
46.
In
the
table
47.
Accomplish
something
48.
Drinking
a
small
mouth
12。这是相信
15.抬头看
16.查
17.试试
25.抬头看天的
29.住在郊区的
35.离开
40.其中一位最害羞的
49.恨姜汤
Listed
2.
Go
Dutch
account
3.
Rely
on
4.
In
order
to
5.
Hear
6.
The
pedestrian
crossings
line
7.
World
championships
8.
Come
up
with
(idea)
9.
Behind
10.
Calm
11.
Was
he
accepted
13.
Be
nervous
14.
DuoCi,
repeatedly
18.
As......
Book
a
room
reservation.
20.
Come
up
with,
produce,
catch
up
21.
Start
to......
point
22.
Packed
with......
23.
See
24.
With...
Treat,
treat
26.
Not......
but
27.
Do
something
very...
28.
Remind
someone
look
out
something
30.
Breaking
the
world
record
31.
Ever
heard
of
32.
Make
money
33.
Want
to
someone
for
help
34.
And,
what
is
more
36.himself
37.
Continue
to
do
/
38.
Willing
to
do
39.
To
sb.
/
friendly
broken
glass.
42.
The
fine...
Cutting
small
43.
Gently
fry
a
Fried
meat
44.
Slowly
put
rice
added
to
it
45.
The...
Cut
into......
46.
In
the
table
47.
Accomplish
something
48.
Drinking
a
small
mouth
12。这是相信
15.抬头看
16.查
17.试试
25.抬头看天的
29.住在郊区的
35.离开
40.其中一位最害羞的
49.恨姜汤
已赞过
已踩过<
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