英文高手帮忙翻译!! 50分悬赏

英语老师让上台演讲,帮忙翻译一下我自己写的翻译:我的兼职大家好,今天我为大家演讲的题目是:我的兼职。大学是一个小的社会,我们来到大学,不但要学习大学的知识,还要利用大学的... 英语老师让上台演讲,帮忙翻译一下我自己写的 翻译: 我的兼职 大家好,今天我为大家演讲的题目是:我的兼职。 大学是一个小的社会,我们来到大学,不但要学习大学的知识,还要利用大学的课余时间,去锻炼我们,让我们更好的融入社会,为我们将来踏入社会打下良好的基础。因此,兼职是锻炼我们大学生的最好的方法。 我在大学的兼职是做ucweb的推广员,ucweb是一款手机浏览器,现在几乎每一台手机里都安装有它,它可以让你的手机登陆www网站,还能让你的手机上网更快,更省钱!我的工作就是向大学生们推广这一款软件,每推广一次下载我可以赚2块钱,现在的我已经每个月赚300多块了 ,而且我还做上了“ucweb西安负责人”,每个月还有奖金。 通过ucweb的兼职,让我更好的体验了社会,锻炼了自己。让自己的大学生活更充实了。并且得到了丰厚的报酬。如果哪个同学想找兼职的话,愿意做ucweb的话,我可以帮助他得到这个兼职,因为我“ucweb西安负责人”还是有能力为大家办事情的。 展开
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2014-09-19 · TA获得超过296个赞
My Part Time Job Hello, everyone, today I am speaking to you on the topic: My Part-Time Job. The university is a miniature society. When we come to the university, we should not only gain knowledge from the classes, but also make use of the spare times to train ourselves so that we can be fitter for the society, building a more solid foundation before entering the society. A part-time job is, therefore, the best way to train university students. My part time job is a salesperson for ucweb, which is a web browser on the mobile phone. Now, almost every mobile phone has one installed. It allows your mobile phone to visit www sites. It also speeds up the internet connection and saves you money. My job is to promote this software to university students. Every successful download can earn mu 2 yuan. Now, I can already earn 300 yuan per month and have been promoted to the "person in charge of ucweb in Xi'an", receiving bonus every month. Through the part-time job with ucweb, I have gained social experience and trained myself. My university life has become richer, and I have received a good pay. If any of my schoolmates wants to get a part time job with ucweb, I can help you to get it. As a person in charge of ucweb in Xi'an, I have the ability to do something for everyone. 注:这是我自己翻译的,希望能帮到你。
2014-09-19 · 超过56用户采纳过TA的回答
My part-time Hello everyone, The topic I'll speak for you is ''My Part-time Job''. As we kown, the university is a small society. We come to our universities, not only for learning knowledge, but also for the use of the spare time to train us, so we can integrate into society influenty, and lay a good foundation to blend in the society in the future. Therefore, doing part-time job is the best way to train undergraduates .I was doing part-time job in my university as a roundsman for ucweb. It is a mobile browser,almost every cell phone is equipped with it now, it can enable your phone visits 'www' sites, it also can make your mobile faster and cheaper to surf the internet. My job is to encourage undergraduates to download this software, I can make 2 yuan per time they download it, and now I'm able to earn more than 300 yuan a month, and I also became the "principal of ucweb in Xi'an".Every month I also can get some bonuses. Through doing part-time, I experienced the society better and trained myself. What is more, I enrich my life in college and I get a rich reward. If any student wants to get a part-time,and be willing to promote the 'ucweb', I can help him get the part-time.I think I can do it for I'm the "principal of ucweb in Xi'an".
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