以下中文请帮我中翻英 禁止翻译软件哟!!!!!!!!请会英语的帮我翻吧

希望有会英语的能帮我以下的经验翻成英文拜托了希望可以不要任何翻译软件可以吗?谢谢各位^_^Week1今天是第一天在这所幼儿园实习因为我是新来的所以孩子们对我都很陌生今天比... 希望有会英语的

能帮我以下的经验 翻成英文 拜托了

希望可以不要任何翻译软件 可以吗?


Week 1

因为我是新来的 所以孩子们对我都很陌生
今天比较困难的事 是花时间和孩子们相处 以及背熟他们的名字
後来花了些时间 熟悉环境以及他们每天的daily routine
今天和另一位实习者 一起观察了这个年龄层孩子们的互动 以及帮老师的忙
今天学习到新的东西 例如 如何做 transition 等等的

我已经可以记住任何每个孩子的名字 也可以和他们有些互动了
今天老师让我监督孩子们上厕所 要看著他们 确定他们有上厕所
我们早上一起做了些活动 之後老师让孩子们自己铺床
之後我们让孩子去穿上夹克 因为要带他们去外面走走
从昨天我就发现 每个班级的老师都让孩子们自己动手穿衣服 上厕所什麼的
我和另一位实习者 就监督著他们穿夹克 有必要时才帮他们的忙
因为老师不希望我们帮孩子做 她希望一切都让孩子自己来

今天学习到 如何启发以及训练孩子们的独立性
不要一昧地帮孩子做事情 让他们自己练习 他们才会学会做事情

Week 2

这周开始的主题是 construction
我的监督人 说为了更融入在孩子们的生活
於是给了我一顶 工程帽戴上 然後和孩子们互动
今天带孩子们去另一间教室 看影片
孩子们看得都很专心 但不是全部 有的孩子没有专心 想做别的事情
我就告诉那些孩子 专心看影片 之後会做别的活动 他们才勉强专心坐著看
我觉得要让孩子专注在一件事情上 是一件困难的事 尤其是2-3这个年龄层的孩子 特别会分心 这是今天遇到的挑战
今天跟著我的老师 学习到一些技巧 让孩子专心以及安静的做活动

我慢慢观察到 从上礼拜开始到这礼拜 我来的每星期三和星期四
每次给孩子们的点心时间 都是让他们吃 巧克力蛋糕 以及布朗尼配牛奶
我觉得这个可能不是个好的现象 因为都是甜的食物 一点也不健康和不营养
应该要让他们吃些酸奶或者水果之类的 会比较好 但因为我只是实习生
我没办法要求什麼 所以只能漠视这个问题
今天我自己学习到的是 给孩子们的食物要均衡营养 不可以一直给他们吃蛋糕或冰淇淋 因为这样是不健康的
 我来答
推荐于2016-06-13 · TA获得超过298个赞
Week 1

Today is my first day on my internship in this kindergarten.
Because I'm a newcomer, children were unfamiliar to me.
Spending time to get along with the children and learnt their names by heart are comparatively difficult in today's works.
Later, I spent some time to get familiar with the environment and ther daily routines.

Also, I observed the interactions between the children of this age group and help the teacher out with another trainee.
I also learnt things that new to me today, such as how to make transitions etc.
Hope that I can learn more in the following weeks.

Today is the second day of my internship.
I can remember every children's name already, and can also have some interactions with them too.
The teacher let me to supervise the children going to toilet, I needed to look at them in order to ensure that they had go to the toilet. It is because we afraid they'll wet the bed later.
We did some activities together in the morning, the teacher let the children to make their bed on their own afterwards.
Later on, we let the children wore their jackets, as we needed to bring them outside to have a walk.

What I discovered from yesterday is, teachers from every classes would let children get dressed and go to toilet on their own, and this is for training their independence.
Another trainee and me supervised them to wear on their jackets, only helped them when necessary, because the teacher don't want us to help the children to do things, she wants children to do everything on their own.
Today I learnt how to arouse and train children's independence. We can't help the children blindly, let them practise on their own, so that they can learn how to do things.

Week 2

The topic started from this week is construction.
My superviser said that in order to merge into the children's life further, our apparels must also relate to the topic. Therefore I was given a safety helmet to wear on, and then did interactions with the children.
After that, we brought the children to another classroom to watch videos. The teacher showed a cartoon about buildings to the children. The children were concentrated on watching the video, but aren't all of them, some weren't concentrating, they wanted to do other things. I told them that we'll do other things after watching the video, then they tried to concentrate on watching reluctantly.
I think that it's a difficult thing to let children concentrate on one thing, especially is the children which is in the age group of two to three years old, and it's the challenge I need to face today.

I learnt some techniques to let children concentrate on their work and do their work quietly from the teacher.

I observed bit-by-bit that on every Wednesday and Thursday I came, from last week to this week, there would be chocolate cake and brownie matched with milk provided to the children in their desert time. There's even three flavor of ice-cream for them to eat today. I think it probably isn't a good phenomenon because they're all food which are sweet and they're unhealthy and unnutritious, it would be better if we let them eat some yogurt or fruit. However, because I am only a trainee, I can't demand anything, I can only ignore this problem.
What I have learnt by myself today is, the food that give to the children must be balanced and nutritious, we can't always let them eating cakes or ice-cream as this is unhealthy.

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