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摘 要 因钢丝腐蚀、车辆荷载、拉索疲劳、锚具松脱、温度导致的斜拉索功能退化,混凝土的收缩徐变,支座沉降变位,以及施工、养护等诸多原因,严重的影响了斜拉桥使用的耐久性,使得许多斜拉桥已经或面临换索的问题。文中以云南皎平渡斜拉桥换索为依托工程,采用有限元法对该桥进行了索力优化和结构分析计算,为了进一步评定换索后该桥的实际性能而进行了静力荷载试验,对试验结果的分析主要反映索力调整后的结构刚度、强度等的变化以及换索后主梁、拉索以及主塔的内力优化等情况,分析结果表明换索达到了预期目的,结构整体受力状况良好,换索后该桥的实际承载能力能满足设计的要求。
关键词 斜拉桥 换索 静力性能研究 静载试验 展开
关键词 斜拉桥 换索 静力性能研究 静载试验 展开
Abstract as a result of corrosion of steel, vehicle loading, fatigue Lasso, the anchor loose, the temperature lead to functional degradation of the cable-stayed, concrete shrinkage and creep, and bearing the settlement changed, as well as the construction, maintenance and other reasons, the impact of the severe The durability of the use of cable-stayed bridge, cable-stayed bridge has many faces, or for cable. Yunnan white paper in order to cross-for-cable-based cable-stayed bridge, using the finite element method bridge the demand for power optimization and analysis of the structure of the calculation, in order to further assess demand for the bridge after the actual performance and had a static load test , On the results of the analysis of the major cable force adjusted to reflect the structure of the stiffness, strength, as well as changes in the demand for Hou Zhu Liang, Lasso and the main tower of the internal forces, such as optimization, analysis showed that for Soda is expected to end, the overall structure of the Force good-for-cable bridge after the actual carrying capacity to meet the design requirements.
Because the steel wire corrodes, the vehicles load, the back guy to be weary, the anchorage loosens the slanting back guy function which, the temperature causes to degenerate, the concretes contraction continuous variation, the support settlement dislodgement, as well as the construction, the maintenance and so on many reasons, the serious influence diagonal cable bridge use's durability, has caused many diagonal cable bridges already or faces trades rope's question. In the article trades the rope take the Yunnan Jiaopingdu diagonal cable bridge as to depend on the project, used the finite element method to carry on Tension to this bridge to optimize and the structure analysis computation, after to further evaluate traded the rope, this bridge's actual performance to carry on the static load experiment, after test result's analysis mainly reflected Tension adjusted the structure rigidity, the intensity and so on change as well as traded the rope king post, back guy as well as main tower's situations and so on endogenic force optimization, the analysis result indicated that traded the rope to serve the anticipated purpose, the structure overall stress good shape, after trading the rope, this bridge's actual bearing capacity could satisfy the design the request.