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2022-11-19 · TA获得超过5613个赞
1. Beautiful homeland A into my village, saw the ground covered with grass, is so tender and beautiful. Scan, like a green brocade. A breeze, grass, like we nodded approvingly at to wele us. Modest willow with it that slightness green girl's arm, and gently pat on the bank. In front of our house is a beautiful garden, the garden of lush trees and beautiful scenery, grass overgrown with all sorts of flowers and plants, like a big flower-bed, full of pigment beside a pool, pool of colorful fish swim to swim, clever! Our house is behind the building, neat flickering among the people, and street, car, a blast. Our home is beautiful! We love our home! (。美丽的家乡 一进我的村庄,看见地上覆盖着青草,如此温柔和美丽。扫描,像一个绿色的织锦。一阵微风,草,就像我们频频点头来欢迎我们。这刀适度柳绿色姑娘的胳膊,轻轻拍打岸边。 在我们的房子前面有一个漂亮的花园,花园里的绿树和美丽的风景,草长满了各种各样的花草,像个大花坛,充满了颜料在游泳池、水池的五彩缤纷的鱼游来游去,聪明!我们的房子是背后的建筑,整洁的闪烁在众民中也是如此,街道、汽车、爆破。 我们的家是美丽的!我们爱我们的家园) 2. Hometown in autumn The autumn is the hometown of neither too hot nor too cold, although the air is fresh, leaves no previous also started withered, but one thing more and more mature, it is rice. Out of the door, scan, the first saw is rice, so much rice large full yes. Rice in imperceptible in gradually grow mature. The autumn is the hometown of golden, basically everything is yellow. The autumn, the hometown of rice mature into yellow. Hometown of autumn, withered grass became yellow. Hometown of autumn, the leaves on the trees grew up, r. will wither soon. In the field, and *** all roadside, entailed, no matter what the green plant basically are withered. Especially the grass, it is waiting for the ing of spring, again to add a green world. Home is a season of harvest in autumn, peach on the big peaches and pears on the big pear, JuShu within large orange on the rice field, and mature etc can eat lots of fruits are ripe. The wind was so soft, the water is so fluent, the sky is so blue, people are so active. The autumn is the hometown, and spring. The autumn of home town than in winter to much warmer than the autumn, the home more to cool in summer. Ah, the hometown of autumn, you how soft! (家乡的秋天是不冷不热的,虽然空气是没有以前新鲜,树叶也开始凋谢了,但是有一样东西越来越成熟了——那就是水稻。走出家门,放眼望去,第一个看见的就是水稻了,那么多水稻一大片一大片满是的。水稻在人们的不知不觉中渐渐地长成熟了。 家乡的秋天是金黄色的,基本上一切事物都是黄色的。家乡的秋天,水稻成熟了变成了黄色的。家乡的秋天,小草枯萎了变成了黄色。家乡的秋天,树上的叶子也渐渐地黄了起来,不久后就会凋谢的。田野里、泥路上、小路边,不管是什么绿的植物基本上都要枯萎了。尤其是小草,它正在等待着春天的来临,再给世界添加一份绿色。 家乡的秋天是一个丰收的季节,桃树上结起了大桃子,梨树上结起了大梨子,橘树上结起硕大的橘子,田野里的水稻也成熟了等许许多多的可以吃的果实都成熟了。 风是那么的柔,水是那么的流畅,天空是那么的蓝,人们是那么的活跃。家乡的秋天就是这样,与春天不相上下。家乡的秋天比家乡的冬天要暖和得多,家乡的秋天更比夏天要凉爽。 啊,家乡的秋天,你是多么得柔和!)   singapore, or the lion city, is at the crossroads of asia. its mix of chinese, indian, and malay cultures, spiced with western influences, creates a wonderful blend and this *** all country celebrates the uniqueness of each in its own special way. today, the districts designated by the former british colonists for the ethnic groups are still in use, with chinatown and little india thriving as religious and cultural centres and yet, no matter what their ethnic background, each citizen calls themselves a singaporean. a traveller's first and last encounter with singapore usually leaves a good impression. on arrival you are exposed to singapore's clean, efficient, world-class atmosphere. within ten minutes of landing one realizes that everything looks, new. the reason being that in recent years, singapore has gone through a spate of demolition and reconstruction, as old buildings fall and make way for the steel and glass towers that dominate its skyline. yet, the true character of this city is somehow lost in these massive shopping malls and high rises, world-record setting fountains, and numerous theme parks. unfortunately, this is the side that most people see: a shopper's paradise, a pleasant business trip, a "safe" destination for first-time visitors to asia. in truth, singapore is at its most remarkable in its little alleyways and colourful shops in chinatown, its incense-filled buddhist temples and noisy street operas. the whole place a colourful, living, breathing, hum of intriguing activity. equally fascinating are the lavishly decorated indian temples and the mosques and textile shops along arab street. finally, the old colonial-style buildings in the heart of town impart a charm that the newer structures just don't have. each historic district has its own story to impart to travellers, its own magic to weave as one walks along their back streets. another way to discover singapore is to sample its many flavours. the asian passion for food finds new expression here, with restaurants lining almost every street and mercial area. the influx of foreigners, both tourists and the growing expatriate munity, has brought even more international tastes to these shores. new european, middle eastern, and even fusion cuisines are now being represented. it's due to the asians valued meal times, as an occasion to enjoy food and to spend time with friends or family that restaurants continue to thrive here. singaporeans are justifiably proud of their efficient and modern city, its excellent infrastructure, its hotels, parks and recreational activities. for all its modernity, the soul of singapore lies in its wonderful tapestry of vibrant cultures, each weaving its own unique pattern into the main design that make up the magic that makes singapore what it is today.

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