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2023-01-14 · TA获得超过317个赞
【 #小学英语# 导语】很多学生在做阅读理解题时,总是丢分,甚至丢很多分。究其原因,貌似阅读理解做不好,实质上,是读书面太窄,对汉语的意蕴把握不够。要想把阅读理解做好,必须读足够的读物。日常没有阅读,却想把阅读理解做好,那只能是痴人说梦。以下是 无 整理的《小学四年级下册英语阅读理解(三篇)》相关资料,希望帮助到您。


  My name is Billy . I’m a boy . I am eleven . I’m in China now . My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher . I like Chinese food , but my parents (父母亲) don’t . They like bread . I have a nice room . There’s a bed , a desk and a chair in it . There’re many books on the desk . I like books . I often (经常)read books in the evening .

  ( )1. Billy is ________.

  A. a boy   B. eleven   C. in China   D. A,B and C

  ( )2. Billy’s father is ________.

  A. a teacher   B. a doctor   C. Chinese   D. a worker

  ( )3. Billy likes ________.

  A. Chinese   B. Chinese food   C. bread   D. English

  ( )4. Billy has a ________ room .

  A. nice   B. big   C. small   D. good

  ( )5. Billy often reads books ________.

  A. at home   B. after class   C. in the evening   D. at school


  There are six rooms in my house. They are my bedroom, my mother and father’s bedroom, my grandma’s bedroom, a bathroom, a living room and a kitchen. In my bedroom, there is a map of China on the wall. There is a bed in front of the map. My desk is beside the bed. There is a little lamp on the table. It’s blue.

  ( )1. My house has ______ rooms.

  A.six   B.five   C.seven

  ( )2.There are _____ bedroom in my house.

  A.two  B.three   C.four

  ( )3. There is a ____ in my bedroom.

  A.map   B.chair   C.cap

  ( )4.The map is _______.

  A.on the wall   B.on the table   C. on the bed

  ( )5.The bed is _____ the map.

  A.behind   B.before   C.beside


  My name is John. I’m 12. I like sports very much. I get up at 7:00 today. Oh, it’s time for breakfast. I wear a yellow T-shirt with the blue shorts. At 7:50, I go to school with Mike. We are classmates. Our classroom is on the first floor. It’s big and nice. There are two blackboards, four fans, six lights and many desks and chairs in it. We love our school very much.

  ( ) 1.John likes math very much.

  ( ) 2.John gets up at 7:50.

  ( ) 3.John wears a yellow T-shirt with the blue shorts.

  ( ) 4.The art room is on the first floor.

  ( ) 5.There are six lights in John’s classroom.

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