carry out的中文翻译
carry out的中文翻译是进行。
We will improve the public cultural service system, carry out public-interest cultural programs, and launch more popular cultural activities. 完善公共文化服务体系,深入实施文化惠民工程,丰富群众性文化活动。
The two nations will work together to carry out China's Chang'e 7 lunar landing mission and Russia's Luna-Resurs-Orbiter mission.
两国将协同实施中国的“嫦娥七号”月球极地探测任务和俄罗斯“月球—资源-1”轨道器任务合作。We do not ordinarily carry out this type of work.
我们通常不会实际去做这类工作。The company's doctor found that she was unfit to carry out her normal work. 公司的医生认为,她不宜从事正常工作。
The authority failed to carry out its 瞎亏塌statutory duties. 主管部门未履行自己的法定职责。Many women know how to carry out repairs on their cars 磨圆
许多妇女懂得怎样修自己的车。She needed 空衫a clear head to carry out her instructions. 她需要一个头脑清醒的人来执行自己的指令。He may be forced to carry out his threat to resign 他也许会被迫把自己的辞职威胁付诸行动。