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2023-02-03 · TA获得超过899个赞
【 #英语资源# 导语】父爱是慷慨大方的,他把爱洒给了春露,洒给了秋霜;留给了清晨,留给了黄昏;父爱是体贴、慰藉、宽容、理解。父亲节到了,别忘记给父亲打电话,送祝福。 为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


  The song "only a mother is good in the world, and a child with a mother is like a treasure" vaguely reappears in my ears. This song makes me understand the greatness of maternal love. Behind the mother's nagging in life, there is a deep and unknown love, that is, father's love.

  Father's love is different from mother's love. Father is not good at expressing. Father's love is simple and common in life. But although father doesn't give encouragement and help when you succeed or fail as mother does, he shows his love for his children in everything he does. In life, father will also teach you the philosophy of life.

  Today is the fifth day of the summer vacation. I finished my homework early and picked up the remote control to watch Zhiyong rush through. Dad came out of the kitchen and said, "have you finished your homework?"

  "Almost!" I said absently "Let me see." "Whatever you want, look! It's on the table." My father took my homework and said, "it's no good. You can't match the beginning and end of your composition because of the flying dragon and Phoenix in your handwriting." "How do you say not to write?" "You should write about your feelings, the real things, and the small things that happen around you." My father's words inspired me. I calmed down and wrote another composition.

  What is fatherly love? Father's love is the ubiquitous concern. We shouldn't blame dad for his occasional anger. Dad is a hard worker fighting for his children, family and career. There will always be encouragement from your mother when you are successful, and there will always be guidance from your father when you can't find the direction.


  "Only dad is good in the world..." whenever I sing this song, I will think of that touching thing many years ago.

  When I was young, I fell ill once. At that time, it was winter, and I was in my father's hometown, Zhalantun, Inner Mongolia. The temperature there was generally more than minus 20 degrees, and the lowest was only minus 30 degrees. Under such circumstances, I caught a cold, which was caused by taking off my clothes after sweating.

  In the evening, I suddenly wanted to eat an apple, but my grandmother's house was in the country and there was still some distance from the town. It was late at night, the taxi had already stopped, and the neighbors were all asleep. What should we do? In order to let me eat apples, my father put on a small cotton padded jacket and was ready to go out. I said softly, "Dad, it's cold outside! You only wear a small cotton padded jacket. Isn't it cold? I can hold on until tomorrow. Don't go out tonight. You have to walk a long way!"

  But Dad went out with firm steps. When I went outside, Dad fell and sprained his ankle because it was dark. I shouted, "Dad, don't go!" However, my father still endured the pain and walked towards the town... I waited for a long time. Finally, when my father knocked on the door gently, my father came back with an apple. Dad peeled the apple and watched me finish it. Then he fell into bed and fell asleep. I lay on my father, tears streaming down. After a while, I also fell asleep. In my sleep, I had a sweet dream

  The next day, my cold was almost over, but my father had a cold and fever again. Looking at my father, I shed crystal tears again!

  Dad's love for me is really higher than the mountains and deeper than the sea!


  People say: "father's love is like a mountain, firm, deep and implicit." Today I'm going to write about my father's impressive love

  That night, I was lying in bed ready to go to bed, but I had just slept for a short time. I began to cough, "cough, cough..." and I thought it was all right, so I went on sleeping. But this time it was serious. I was coughing and panting. When my father saw my situation, he flew to my "medicine warehouse" like a racing car, searched for the medicine to cure my asthma, and asked me to get out of bed and take the medicine. Dad also muttered: "ah, smelly (cute) yue'er, I hate you taking medicine..." and he took out the medicine for me to drink. My head flashed, ah! Yes! Dad just came back from class and hasn't eaten yet! I asked my father why he didn't eat it. My father said, "it's all because of your anger (teasing me) With that, he lowered his head again to look for medicine. Although my father said so verbally, I understood that my father loved me. After I went to sleep, my father came to me again. I was still out of breath. That day, dad caught a cold for me and didn't eat

  Although this matter has passed, it seems that it was yesterday. In fact, every father deeply loves his relatives, but they are not easy to express themselves, just like "knife mouth, tofu heart", they will secretly love you. Finally, I sincerely say to you, "I love you, father!


  Father's love is like a mountain. It gives me infinite power.

  It was three years ago and I still remember it.

  My mother bought me a new dress for the new year, so I pestered my father to take me to the shops to show myself. I was so excited that I bounced around like a newly released bird. Dad walked slowly behind me. I took a big step to the stairs, but I didn't know what was wrong. It was like taking a stimulant, and I jumped down. But somehow I felt as if someone had pushed me, or tripped over something under my feet, and rolled down like a ball. Suddenly, it was dark in front of me. I couldn't tell the southeast from the northwest. There was only one word "pain". At this time, my father also walked slowly down to me and said solemnly, "quickly, quickly stand up, or you will lie here forever!" At that time, I was wondering: I was your own son. You didn't pull, and there was no word to comfort me. Are you still my father? In the evening, he just came to my room and said, "I just gave you that lesson 20 years later in advance."

  Until now, I understand why my father didn't give me a hand at that time, because he wanted to tell me: when you step into society when you grow up, you will always encounter setbacks and difficulties. When no one helps you, you must learn to be independent and strong.


  There are thousands of ways to express father's love in the world. The common fulcrum to express father's love is selfless dedication to our children. Father's love permeates every bit of those who have accompanied us.

  I remember when school was over last week evening, it suddenly rained cats and dogs. The wind was whistling and shaking the branches. Lightning and thunder make people scared.

  I forgot my umbrella, so I had to stay at school until the rain stopped. When I finished my homework, I looked up and saw that it was already six o'clock. It was getting dark, but the rain was getting heavier and heavier. It didn't mean to slow down at all. Anxious, I thought to myself that if I went out rashly, I would get wet all over by the rain, and I would easily get sick. Just then, I saw a car coming in front of me. It is so familiar. Right! This is our car! It was dad who came to pick me up. When we got home, I found that my father was wet through. What's going on?

  It turned out that Dad went to work by bus in the morning and didn't bring an umbrella. After work, he rushed home in the heavy rain, thinking that I didn't take my umbrella to school today. It was raining hard, so he hurried to pick me up without changing his wet clothes. Hearing what my father said, I felt very moved.

  Father's love is the "pick-up soldier" standing in the storm. I will never forget this thing, I will never forget my father's love for me.


  What is family affection? It is a ray of sunshine in winter, a breeze in summer, a drop of rain and dew in spring, as well as a pair of warm hands and a little warning in my memory

  One morning, while I was still asleep, my father called me. He said anxiously, "Xiao Bao, it's raining hard today. You should be careful of sliding on the road. Remember to take your umbrella and raincoat with you. You can't step on the water at school, OK?" I casually replied, "Oh." He hung up the phone. But as soon as I got to school, I put my father's words behind me and stepped on the water excitedly in the school. But before seven o'clock in the evening, I had a fever. As soon as my father heard the news, he came from the countryside and rushed me to the hospital. He kept saying, "look at you, look at you..." when I hung the water, I refused to cooperate with the nurse. I was stabbed several times without blood return. My father was so anxious that he coaxed me and patted his head: "what should I do? What should I do?" But fortunately, I recovered after hanging a bottle of water. When I got home, my father said to me seriously, "I can't do this next time. Don't you know how worried my mother is!" Later, I learned from my mother that the journey from the countryside to the city originally took one hour, but my father only took 20 minutes.

  Father's love is like a mountain. It has no modification, no words, but always stands. At the source of your life, it accompanies you through every rough and lonely journey.

  I love you, father!


  Father's love is like a mountain, and father's love is also the greatest. It was winter and it was very cold. The temperature difference between day and night is large. Especially at night. I kick the quilt away at midnight. Then I woke up with cold.

  How can I change this habit? So I would wake up in the middle of the night. It was very uncomfortable. One night I fell asleep again. When I fell asleep, I suddenly heard a cough. The sound is getting closer and closer. I want to open my eyes to see who it is, but my eyes are just like glue. I can't open them.

  In a flash, a thin body came to me. Vaguely I saw it as if it was my father. But I have no strength to call him. He was also vaguely seen wearing a thin coat. I suddenly felt my upper body warm. Maybe dad covered my coat. But he was worth the long winded words. He crept up to me. Turn back the quilt you kicked away. Cover my outstretched hand. I was moved at that time. Tears welled up in my heart. I can't help it. Yes, Dad's love for me is so approachable. On Friday, Dad fell asleep on the sofa again. It must be that dad caught a cold when he covered my quilt late at night. Tired, I carefully put the quilt over him. Dad woke up because of his excessive movements. Dad said you were a good boy. My heart is sweeter than honey.

  I will never forget my father's love. I will certainly repay dad for your hard work.


  It will be father's day in a few days. As a daughter, I am full of holiday joy and gratitude.

  Every drop of water will be rewarded by the spring. Thanksgiving is not only the messenger to purify people's hearts, but also the driving force for people to be willing to contribute. It is our parents who give us life, raise us and teach us.

  "The bright moon shines among the pines, and the clear springs and stones are upstream." the beauty is father's love When the silkworms die, the wax torches become ashes and tears begin to dry. "The dedication is father's love;" I never regret that my clothes are becoming wider and wider, and my persistence of "being emaciated for Iraq" is father's love. And we, in the face of great father's love, can only be sincerely grateful

  Father's love is not limited to the rainy night. Pick up your fever and rush to the hospital in the rain; Fatherly love is not limited to a few words of encouragement in difficult times. But the father's love also contains all this.

  Now, how many children are enjoying the love of their parents and even yelling at their parents? It is true that parental love is great and selfless, but it is by no means something that you do not want to return.


  As the saying goes: "father love is like mountain, mother love is like water." Father's love for me is always unknown!

  I remember last summer vacation, my sister and I were going to Zhengzhou to participate in the piano competition. My father knew that he took the workers to work overnight. The workshop was very hot, but my father didn't complain. He was sweating away! The important events of the competition day were completed one day ahead of schedule! It was not until 2 o'clock in the morning that my father dragged his tired body home to rest. He hurried to sleep for 4 hours and got up. Looking at my father's rabbit eyes, I felt very distressed. But dad was still in high spirits and sent us safely to Zhengzhou.

  The game began. As soon as he entered the arena, dad was intoxicated by the beautiful sound of the piano and went to sleep. People don't understand. They give dad a strange look! Only I know my father is the most beautiful! When the host read my name, my father quickly rubbed his eyes, picked up the mobile phone to take photos for me, and gave me a thumbs up!

  After the game, my father repeatedly praised me and my sister as the best players. At this time, I saw my father's tired eyes. His eyes seemed to contain two little babies and looked at me with a smile!

  This is my father, a man full of sense of responsibility. When father's Day is coming, I want to say to my father, "Dad, I love you. I wish you a happy father's Day! You are the mountain in my life. You are the shelter for me. I love you forever!"


  There is a love higher than a mountain; There is a love deeper than the sea; There is a love more valuable than gold. This kind of love is called fatherly love.

  Today is father's day. I want to tell my dear father what I have buried in my heart. Dad, when I was young, I used to ride on your neck, making trouble without reason, but you didn't complain; Every time I come back from a long trip, I will fall asleep in the car, and you will carry me into the elevator. When I am bored, you always take me out fishing, play ball games, and sometimes hold me high. You will stab me with your rough face and beard, which makes me very happy. Up to now, your love for me is still so meticulous. Almost every day when you come home from school, your first sentence is hungry? Son, you let me tell you what you want to eat. Every time I wish you would satisfy me as much as possible. Every time there is delicious food, Dad, you are always reluctant to eat, let me and my brother eat. For us, for this family. Your rough hands grow calluses unknowingly, your forehead is secretly covered with wrinkles, and your temples have a few more white hairs. Watching you work hard every day. I want to say to you loudly: Dad, you are working hard! Happy holidays!

  The most serious person in most families is the father, and the one who is most difficult to see through is also the father. While you teach me to be thrifty, you secretly give me pocket money. In this world, our father is the one who has the most pressure, the cruelest competition and the heaviest responsibility on his shoulders. Father doesn't accompany us as often as mother does, but when things happen, father is like giving us charcoal in the snow, holding up a blue sky for us.

  Father is great. May all fathers in the world be happy and healthy!

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