B:就是一本人生哲学教科书,在翻阅时,体会到的是人生酸甜苦辣,听到的是一曲人生华丽乐章。人生不在于长短,而在于是否精彩。人生总有太多的不如意,不要因落榜、下岗而失意,不要因貌丑、身残而自卑,相信花残自有竞开日,人生总有欢乐时。生的珍贵在于每个人只有一次,理应活的潇洒、轻松。笑对人生,就是笑对生活。人生又像在跑步,往往能够跑到终点的并不是开始跑得最快的,虽然途中有摔倒的苦痛,但只要重新站起来,坚持到最后,也能尝到胜利的喜悦。人生道路不会是一帆风顺,少不了些坑坑洼洼,困难与挫折在所难免,躲避它还不如去面对它,屈服它还不如去战胜它。成功固然让人高兴,但失败也是一首歌。 展开
B:就是一本人生哲学教科书,在翻阅时,体会到的是人生酸甜苦辣,听到的是一曲人生华丽乐章。人生不在于长短,而在于是否精彩。人生总有太多的不如意,不要因落榜、下岗而失意,不要因貌丑、身残而自卑,相信花残自有竞开日,人生总有欢乐时。生的珍贵在于每个人只有一次,理应活的潇洒、轻松。笑对人生,就是笑对生活。人生又像在跑步,往往能够跑到终点的并不是开始跑得最快的,虽然途中有摔倒的苦痛,但只要重新站起来,坚持到最后,也能尝到胜利的喜悦。人生道路不会是一帆风顺,少不了些坑坑洼洼,困难与挫折在所难免,躲避它还不如去面对它,屈服它还不如去战胜它。成功固然让人高兴,但失败也是一首歌。 展开
A: You to oneself present life satisfaction?
B: Satisfaction
A: Can chat your feelings?
B: Is a philosophy of life textbook,When glancing through,Realized to is the life good and bad in life,Hears is a tune life magnificent music movement. The life does not lie in the length, but lies in whether splendidly. The life always has too much is unpleasant, does not want because to fail an admissions examination, to come off sentry duty but to be frustrated, do not have because of the appearance clown, the body to be remnant but feels inferior, believed the flower remnant innately competes the date, the life always has happily time. Fresh preciously lies in each person only then, the principle undertakes a task natural, is relaxed. Smiles to the life, is smiles to the life. The life likes is jogging, often can run to the end point is not starts to run quickly, although has the pain on the way which throws down, but so long as restands, persists to finally, also can taste the victory the joy. The life path cannot be problem-free, must have bumpy, the difficulty and the setback are unavoidable, avoids its might as well to face it, submits its might as well to defeat it. The success no doubt lets the human be happy, but is defeated also is a song.
B: Satisfaction
A: Can chat your feelings?
B: Is a philosophy of life textbook,When glancing through,Realized to is the life good and bad in life,Hears is a tune life magnificent music movement. The life does not lie in the length, but lies in whether splendidly. The life always has too much is unpleasant, does not want because to fail an admissions examination, to come off sentry duty but to be frustrated, do not have because of the appearance clown, the body to be remnant but feels inferior, believed the flower remnant innately competes the date, the life always has happily time. Fresh preciously lies in each person only then, the principle undertakes a task natural, is relaxed. Smiles to the life, is smiles to the life. The life likes is jogging, often can run to the end point is not starts to run quickly, although has the pain on the way which throws down, but so long as restands, persists to finally, also can taste the victory the joy. The life path cannot be problem-free, must have bumpy, the difficulty and the setback are unavoidable, avoids its might as well to face it, submits its might as well to defeat it. The success no doubt lets the human be happy, but is defeated also is a song.