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2016-05-11 · 超过53用户采纳过TA的回答

[1] X. Wang, An Algorithm for the Nonlinear 0-1 Programming and Its Applications, Chinese Journal of Numerical Mathematics and Applications, Vol.10, No.2, 1988, Allerton Press Inc. USA (in English EI).
[2] X. Wang, An Inverse Interpolation Method for Finding the Extreme Points of a Function and Its Convergence Rate, Chinese Journal of Numerical Mathematics and Applications, Vol.12, No.3, 1990, Allerton Press Inc. USA (in English EI).
[3] X. Wang, On the Complexity of the Extreme Points Decision Problem, Information Processing Letters,Vol.40,No.10,1991,North-Holland (in English SCI).
[4] X. Wang, The Tri-chromatic Trees , Proceedings of the Third International Conference for Young Computer Scientists, Beijing, 1994 (in English).
[5] X. Wang, A New Algorithm for the Closest Pair Problem, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on CAD/CG, Wuhan,1995 (in English).
[6] X. Wang, Solving the General Divide-and-Conquer Recurrences, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference for Young Computer Scientists, Beijing, 1995 (in English).
[7] X. Wang and Q. Fu, The Epsilon-Net Algorithm for the Closest Pair Problem in , Chinese Journal of Numerical Mathematics and Applications, Vol.18, No.2, 1996, Allerton Press Inc. USA (in English EI).
[8] X. Wang and Q. Fu, A Frame for Solving General Divide-and-Conquer Recurrences, Information Processing Letters,Vol.59,No.1,1996,North-Holland (in English SCI).
[9] X. Wang , Q. Fu and X. Chen, Embedding Analysis on Lower Bounds,Chinese Journal of Advanced Software Research, Vol.11, No.4, 1997, Allerton Press Inc. USA (in English EI).
[10] C. Liu, G. Chen and X. Wang, A Multi-Agent Based Image Understanding System Scheme,Proceedings of 7th Joint International Computer Conference , Nov. 2000, Shantou , China (in English).
[11] G. Chen, D. Zhang and X. Wang, The Applications of Genetic Algorithms for Optimal Design of the Computer Communication Networks,Proceedings of 7th Joint International Computer Conference , Nov. 2000, Shantou , China (in English).
[12] X. Wang, An Improved Heap Sort Algorithm,Proceedings of 7th Joint International Computer Conference , Nov. 2000, Shantou , China (in English).
[13] X. Wang, A New Variant of HEAPSORT with nlogn-n Comparisons, Proc. of the 10th Joint International Computer Conference, International Academic Publishers World Publishing Corporation, 2004.11 (in English)
[14] X. Wang and Y. Wu, An Improved HEAPSORT Algorithm with Comparisons in the Worst Case,Journal of Computer Science and Technology,22(6): 898-903, Nov. 2007. SCI
[15] X. Wang and Y. Wu, A Linear Time Algorithm for Coding and Decoding Prufer Codes, Submitted to Information Processing Letters, North-Holland.
[16] X. Wang and Y. Wu, A Linear Time Algorithm for Coding and Decoding Neville Codes, Submitted to Information Processing Letters, North-Holland.

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