n. 用;使用;运用;利用;应用;需要;使用价值;用途;用处;用法;有用性;益处;使用权;运用能力;用法;使用;习俗;惯例;习惯;(尤指某个或某些教会中传统的)特色礼拜仪式;(来自房地产、土地等的)收益;取得收益权;使用。
vt. 使用;发挥;运用;消费;消耗;用光;用完;服用;吸;用(礼貌说法);使用;用;利用;对待。
vi. 服用毒品(或药物);吸烟;喝酒。
use appropriately适当地利用、use artfully狡猾地使用、use assiduously殷勤地使用、use casually漫不经心地利用、use chiefly主要使用、use consistently始终如一地利用、use covertly秘密地使用、use creatively创造性地使用、use deftly巧妙地使用。
use desperately不顾一切地利用、use dexterously娴熟地使用、use domestically家庭方面的利用、use earnestly认真地使用、use economically节省地利用、use effectively有效地使用、use exclusively独自使用、use exorbitantly极其过分地利用、use extemporaneously临时地使用。
1、Like the world's tiniest computer I recently blogged about,the solar cells could theoretically beput to use with anything people want to make"smart."
2、This data and ultimately the print data are beingput to use in a variety of ways ranging from security codes to what you could call gimmicks.
3、It is only when the browser loads the HTML document that the CSS isput to use.
4、At least another 30 languages are in the works,meaning Facebook needs help working out the kinks on those languages before they'reput to use.
5、To date,10.1 billion us dollars has beenput to use,including 3.1 billion us dollars of concessional loans.

2025-02-17 广告