我为你感到骄傲英文是I am proud of you。
1、Nice job!做的好!Brilliantidea!绝妙的主意!Give me ahug。来,抱一下!Good boy/girl。好孩子!Good writing/drawing。画的真不错!l agree。/l agree with you。我同意(你的看法)l am here for you。我在这里等你哦!I know what you're saying。我明白你说的。9、I really appreciate that。我真的很感激!
I understand what you're saying.我明白你说的!I'm with you。我会和你在一起的。It is a good idea。好主意。lt looks great。看上去很不错。you're really talented.你很有天赋。This is really a nice place.这真是个好地方![随口就说、但效果很好的表扬!]
your wife is very charming.你的妻子很有魅力!you did a good job你干得非常好。[国际最通用的表扬!]you are very eloquent.你总是说话得体。[高层次的表扬!]you look like a million dollars./you look outstanding.你看上去帅呆了