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2020-06-23 · 教育领域创作者
采纳数:712 获赞数:67562

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Each passage is followed by some questions or
unfinished sentences. For each of thethere are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best
answer to each question. 

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.
An additional life phase between adolescence and adulthood has been added. 

Too often, when
young adults have not yet accomplished many of the tasks and challenges commonly expected of
them after they leave college.

they are characterized as \
Many parents continue to hope, and perhaps expect.

 that their children will know clearly about
their career aspirations and be actively on the path toward a professional life by graduation day. Often,
they get their wish. 

Many graduates, however, complete college with considerable career uncertainty.
They may need a period of post-graduate exploration and experimentation before coming close to a
career choice that feels right to them. 

In my psychotherapy (心理治疗) practice, I have seen many
youngsters who either referred themselves for help or were referred by concerned others, typically
their parents. 

The anxiety or depression they reported is often related to phase-of-life. Some young
adults feel unprepared when they leave home or college and try to establish a separate and
independent life. 

Others, however, similarly depressed or anxious, simply may not have yet figured out
the terms and conditions of their adulthood, including career choice. 

Some universities are working to create a program to send their newly admitted students for a year
of social service work in a foreign country before they set foot on campus as freshmen. 

Such a
program would give students a more international perspective, which will add to their maturity and
give them a break from academic pressures. 

Similarly, growing numbers of high school students have
chosen to take a \
Some parents may worry, however, that once their children get away from the traditional pattern
of high school-college they may lose interest in attending university. 

In fact, the \year\makes \odyssey
years\more meaningful as these young adults try to figure out how to establish their future career.

Why are young adults sometimes characterized as 

A. They don't really accomplish much after

B. They lost their energy in searching for jobs. 

C. They face many challenges in their career. 

D. They simply couldn't do anything.

2. What should graduates with career uncertainty do? 

A. They should know clearly about their career aspirations. 

B. They should be actively on the path
toward their career. 

C. They need to consult with people who're experienced. 

D. They need a period of
post-graduate exploration. 

3. What's the purpose for some young people to go to psychotherapy? 

A. They are unable to be

B. They want to make their parents happy. 

C. They want to know how to handle their

D. They are unprepared for their career choice. 

4. Why do universities want to send students to a foreign country? 

A. It is to enable students to
burn out stress. 

B. It is to broaden students' horizons. 

C. It is to let students become more mature. 

D. It is to make sure students won't be lost. 

5. What message does the author want to send out? 

A. Parents should stop worrying about their children's career. 

B. Young people are following a
different pattern of life. 

C. It's necessary for young adults to take a year off to explore their life. 

D. Young adults should
figure out how to establish their future career. Questions 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or



Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure (Each item: 1 point(s))
Directions: For each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B,
C and D. 

Choose the best one to complete each sentence. 

1.The winter was very severe, especially at night, so the mom had to put an extra
blanket over the baby for fear that __________. 

A. he catches a cold 

B. he be catching a

C. he caught a cold 

D. he would catch a cold 

2. He might have been killed __________ the timely arrival of the ambulance and
immediate operation in the hospital. 

A. besides 

B. except for 

C. but for 

D. except 

3. Mr. Forbes is getting more irresponsible. __________ will he be able to regain
the trust and confidence of the company. 

A. With hard work 

B. Only if he works hardly 

C. Only with hard work 

D. In spite of his hard work 

4. Since our research so far has not produced any answers to the problem, we need to
adopt a different __________ to it. 

A. approach 

B. manner 

C. style 

D. method

5. He wanted to become a writer, but his father didn't think it was a __________
profession, so he had to give it a second thought. 

A. respectful 

B. respective 


D. respecting

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