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2021-01-16 · 国家公务员、教育领域创作者
采纳数:12153 获赞数:43582

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The difference between science and Humanities
Science is to explore objective facts, and its content is not transferred by human will. What humanity studies, such as economic philosophy, largely depends on people. Therefore, there are great differences between the two connotations, but there are also internal connections. Science is to explore the laws of things, which can be compared to "making cars"; humanities is to give people a direction of Applied Science, which is "driving". Science can't solve the problem of direction. When atomic energy is developed, it can generate electricity or be used for war destruction. This is the problem of values. Similarly, humanity can not directly solve the problem of science and technology. The combination of science and humanities can produce the best effect and promote the progress of society and things.

In ancient China, the relationship between science and humanity has long been incisively discussed: To study things, to know, to be sincere, to correct one's mind, to cultivate one's morality, to regulate one's family, to govern the country, and to pacify the world. The first two elements are about science, the second one is about studying the objective world, and the third one is about sincerity, integrity and self-cultivation. The last three elements are about regulating the family, governing the country and pacifying the world. They are about the purpose achieved through the combination of science and humanity.

2022-06-25 · 贡献了超过683个回答


The difference between science and Humanities
Science is to explore objective facts, and its content is not transferred by human will. What humanity studies, such as economic philosophy, largely depends on people. Therefore, there are great differences between the two connotations, but there are also internal connections. Science is to explore the laws of things, which can be compared to "making cars"; humanities is to give people a direction of Applied Science, which is "driving". Science can't solve the problem of direction. When atomic energy is developed, it can generate electricity or be used for war destruction. This is the problem of values. Similarly, humanity can not directly solve the problem of science and technology. The combination of science and humanities can produce the best effect and promote the progress of society and things.

In ancient China, the relationship between science and humanity has long been incisively discussed: To study things, to know, to be sincere, to correct one's mind, to cultivate one's morality, to regulate one's family, to govern the country, and to pacify the world. The first two elements are about science, the second one is about studying the objective world, and the third one is about sincerity, integrity and self-cultivation. The last three elements are about regulating the family, governing the country and pacifying the world. They are about the purpose achieved through the combination of science and humanity.
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2022-06-24 · 贡献了超过696个回答


The difference between science and Humanities
Science is to explore objective facts, and its content is not transferred by human will. What humanity studies, such as economic philosophy, largely depends on people. Therefore, there are great differences between the two connotations, but there are also internal connections. Science is to explore the laws of things, which can be compared to "making cars"; humanities is to give people a direction of Applied Science, which is "driving". Science can't solve the problem of direction. When atomic energy is developed, it can generate electricity or be used for war destruction. This is the problem of values. Similarly, humanity can not directly solve the problem of science and technology. The combination of science and humanities can produce the best effect and promote the progress of society and things.

In ancient China, the relationship between science and humanity has long been incisively discussed: To study things, to know, to be sincere, to correct one's mind, to cultivate one's morality, to regulate one's family, to govern the country, and to pacify the world. The first two elements are about science, the second one is about studying the objective world, and the third one is about sincerity, integrity and self-cultivation. The last three elements are about regulating the family, governing the country and pacifying the world. They are about the purpose achieved through the combination of science and humanity.
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