2019.2.16 雅思写作解析

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TASK1: 表格题

TASK2: 题型参阅 

同意与否 | 剑桥写作系列(10)

Nowadays,children spend too much time   watching TV and playing computer games. Some people believe this has negative effects on children's mental abilities . To what extent do you agree or disagree?


如果写成看太长时间电视或玩电脑游戏会损害孩子们的视力,那么就跑题了。题目中问的是对于mental abilities的影响,所以要搞清楚的是 mental abilities 是什么?

在我看来,限定词 mental abilities 可理解为智力、心理和社交能力。

题目大意: 有的人认为孩子们花过多的时间看电视和玩电脑游戏,对于他们的mental abilities有不良影响。

因为题目中有 too much time,所以我们写弊端更容易。

个人观点: 我同意题目观点。注意限定词 mental abilities

弊端1: 长时间看电视和打游戏,导致孩子们没有时间进行社会交往 socialize with their peers,影响到他们的社交技能和情商 social skills and emotional intelligence,有的人可能会说打游戏也需要队友之间的配合cooperation between team members,但是这种虚拟世界virtual space 里面的游戏不能取代真实生活中的体育活动或者朋友聚会,那些脱离现实的孩子不知道怎样融入社会 get integrated into society。

弊端2: 电视里面的故事和真实的生活有一定差距 gap between the fiction and reality,长时间看电视容易不仅容易上瘾 get addicted,还会损害孩子们的解决实际问题的能力 damage their problem-sloving ability。如果在现实生活中遇到挫折encounter setbacks,他们很容易变得沮丧become frustrated,而且电视和游戏里面还充斥着一些暴力内容 be inundated with violence,长期打游戏的孩子可能变得冲动易怒 aggressive and irritable,习惯用暴力解决问题use violence to settle disputes。

弊端3 :长时间看电视的孩子们容易变懒(毕竟整天窝在沙发或躺在床上),导致孩子们缺乏独立思考的能力 lack the ability to think independently,而且想象力容易受到限制 be restricted in their imagination,因为所有的画面都被呈现在他们面前 be presented before them。而沉迷于某一种游戏的孩子 be addicted to a certain game,他们的眼光和视野一定是非常狭窄的 have a narrow vision,如果他们用这个时间去读书和旅游,可以让自己变得博学 become knowledgable,还能开拓视野 broaden their horizon。

温馨提示: 2019年依旧会大概率重现2015-2016年的原题,请注意查漏补缺!

1-2月已经考过 女性参军、食物浪费、城市建设、互联网替代博物馆、看电视和玩游戏对孩子们的影响等话题,接下来请重点关注社会类其他分支题目(如广告、犯罪和道路安全等)、科技类、教育类;小作文预警线状图、流程图;


20160331 Today many children spend a lot of time playing computer games and little time on sports. Why is it? Is it a positive or negative development? 

20160402 Multicultural societies, where people of different groups live together, can bring more benefits than drawbacks to a country. To what extent do you agree and disagree? 

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20161105 Some people think individuals are more and more dependent on each other. Some people think individuals are more and more independent. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 

20160604 Many schoolchildren and students are taught to push themselves and try hard to be better than their classmates, rather than work together for everyone 's benefits. Do the disadvantages of training students to be competitive outweigh the advantages? 

20160618 It is the responsibility of schools to teach good behavior in addition to providing formal education. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 

20160625 It is known to all that the technological and scientific advances have made greater changes to the range and quality of our food. Some people regard it as an improvement while others believe that the change is harmful. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 

20161126 People believe that using mobile phones and computers to communicate. Therefore, people are losing the ability to communicate with each other face to face. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 

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