Take care of
1.bashful timid 2.fair upright 3.amusing entertaining 4.cheerful lighthearted 5.watchful prudent 6.unselfish kind
shy 羞怯的 bashful timid coy demure modest shrinking honest 诚实的;正直的 fair upright truthful candid frank open genuine pure sincere Funny 有趣的;滑稽可笑的 amusing entertaining humorous witty laughable ical hilarious ludicrous interesting Happy 高兴的;满意的;满足的 cheerful lighthearted glad delighted jubilant gay jolly joyful merry contented satisfied pleased bright blissful radiant careful 1.仔细的;小心的;周到的 watchful prudent cautious thoughtful 2.细心的;彻底的 absolute meticulous detailed explicit clear-cut generous 慷慨的
大方的 unselfish kind liberal openhanded bighearted 希望帮到你na~ =]
参考: .dictionary.yahoo/
shy(害羞)的近义词= bashful timid coy demure modest shrinking honest(诚实)的近义词= fair upright truthful candid frank open genuine pure sincere funny(有趣)的近义词= amusing entertaining humorous witty laughable ical hilarious ludicrous happy(开心)的的近义词= cheerful lighthearted glad delighted jubilant gay jolly joyful merry contented satisfied pleased bright blissful radiant careful(好小心)的近义词= watchful prudent cautious thoughtful generous(很慷慨)的近义词= unselfish kind liberal openhanded bighearted
参考: 希望选做最佳答案!!!
Take care of
1.bashful timid 2.fair upright 3.amusing entertaining 4.cheerful lighthearted 5.watchful prudent 6.unselfish kind
shy 羞怯的 bashful timid coy demure modest shrinking honest 诚实的;正直的 fair upright truthful candid frank open genuine pure sincere Funny 有趣的;滑稽可笑的 amusing entertaining humorous witty laughable ical hilarious ludicrous interesting Happy 高兴的;满意的;满足的 cheerful lighthearted glad delighted jubilant gay jolly joyful merry contented satisfied pleased bright blissful radiant careful 1.仔细的;小心的;周到的 watchful prudent cautious thoughtful 2.细心的;彻底的 absolute meticulous detailed explicit clear-cut generous 慷慨的
大方的 unselfish kind liberal openhanded bighearted 希望帮到你na~ =]
参考: .dictionary.yahoo/
shy(害羞)的近义词= bashful timid coy demure modest shrinking honest(诚实)的近义词= fair upright truthful candid frank open genuine pure sincere funny(有趣)的近义词= amusing entertaining humorous witty laughable ical hilarious ludicrous happy(开心)的的近义词= cheerful lighthearted glad delighted jubilant gay jolly joyful merry contented satisfied pleased bright blissful radiant careful(好小心)的近义词= watchful prudent cautious thoughtful generous(很慷慨)的近义词= unselfish kind liberal openhanded bighearted
参考: 希望选做最佳答案!!!