athlete 运动员
referee 裁判
volunteer 志愿者
ceremony 开幕式
closing ceremony 闭幕式
medal presentation 颁奖仪式
stadium 体育场
Olympic Village 奥运村
Olympic record 奥运会纪录
hold the record 保持纪录
break a/the record 打破纪录
1 To lose one's shirt
Lose的意思当然就是丢掉,或者失去什么东西。可是,to lose one's shirt 实际上并不是真的指丢了衬衫。它的确切意思是某个人失去了他所有的一切。
例句:Did you hear what happened to Joe? He's lost his shirt, the poor guy invested all his money in a fancy restaurant and it just went out of business.
又如:Be careful of salesmen who call on the phone and offer to sell you land on the beach down in Florida. You can lose your shirt because the chances are the land is under water at high tide.
2 To keep one's shirt on
To keep one's shirt on 字面意思就是穿上你的衬衣。听起来是个好主意,可是,它到底是什么意思呢?其实,它是指不要紧张,或者是不要在不了解情况的时候就发火。
例句:Keep your shirt on, Harry; we have plenty of time to catch the train.
To Keep one's shirt on 在更多的场合下意为保持冷静,在对情况不够了解之前不要发火。比如说,丈夫晚了三个小时回家吃晚饭。一到家,他就看到他的太太火冒三丈,于是,他马上就对太太说:
Honey, keep your shirt on, please! I'm sorry, but the boss made me work late at the office.
3 To give you the shirt off his back.
从字面上来解释,to give you the shirt off his back 就是把他的衬衣从背上脱下来给你。一个人要是肯把衬衣脱下来给你的话,那就是一个在你患难的时候能拿出他所有的一切,包括他的衬衣,来帮忙的人。这种朋友是很可贵的。所以,to give you the shirt off his back指尽自己的力量帮助别人。
例如:Of course Dad gets mad at me sometimes for no good reason. But if I ever need it, I know he would give me the shirt off his back.
又如:Pete never says very much. But when he hears about somebody who's sick in the hospital or lost his job, he's always the first to put his hand in his pocket and bring out money to help. Yes, sir, he's the kind of man who'd give you the shirt off his back.
4 A stuffed shirt
Stuffed有好几种解释,有时是指装的满满的,有时又指吃得过饱。那么,a stuffed shirt 是什么意思呢?A stuffed shirt是指那些爱摆架子,表现得神气十足的人。对于这种人最好是敬而远之。这种人既傲慢,又顽固,自以为了不起,他们参加任何社交活动都属于不受欢迎的人。
例句:My boss is a stuffed shirt: all he talks about is how important his ancestors are, how he was number one in his class at his university, and the wonderful things he thinks he's done for our company.
又如:I think I'll vote for Jimmy Brown instead of the other guy James Leland Elegant the third. Jimmy isn't a stuffed shirt like Elegant--he's a friendly, informal guy like us ordinary people.
v. 争论
v. 认为,主张
托福例句:Some researchers argue that less-expensive programs are just as good as relatively expensive ones, such as Head Start.(TPO 31-2 Early Childhood Education)
解析:在托福中,经常会有somebody argues that.这样的句型结构。很多同学会以为argue只有争吵的意思。其实在托福中,argue更多的意思就是主张,认为,用来表达某人的观点,如she argued that they should all go,她主张他们都应该去。本句理解为,一些研究者认为花费较少的项目能够取得与花费更多的项目同样的效果,例如智力起航。
1. n.证据;2. n.迹象( e.g. He was nowhere in evidence.哪儿都找不到他。)
v. 证明
托福例句:This period of evolution was relatively recent, as evidenced by the similar appearance of all the western chipmunk species.(TPO 39-1 Habitats and chipmunk species)
解析:evidence通常做名词,意为证据;迹象,我们可以很自然联想到它的动词意思证明,常用固定搭配是as evidenced by sth. 正如某事所证明的。全句翻译:这一时期的进化是相对较新的,正如所有西部花栗鼠长得都差不多这一点可以证明。
n. 地址
v. 处理
托福例句:She began to address more ambitious themes in her dances such as The Sea, in which her dancers invisibly agitated a huge expanse of silk, played upon by colored lights(OG8 Loie Fuller)
解析:address作处理的含义,常跟‹task, problem›搭配。句子中,in which her dancers是介词提前的定语从句,修饰The Sea; played upon by colored lights做后置定语,修饰a huge expanse of silk. 整句话翻译为:她开始着手处理更有野心的主题,比如作品大海,在这个作品中舞者们在色光灯所创造的辽阔的隐形丝绸下摇摆。
n. 地址
v. 处理
托福例句:She began to address more ambitious themes in her dances such as The Sea, in which her dancers invisibly agitated a huge expanse of silk, played upon by colored lights(OG8 Loie Fuller)
解析:address作处理的含义,常跟‹task, problem›搭配。句子中,in which her dancers是介词提前的定语从句,修饰The Sea; played upon by colored lights做后置定语,修饰a huge expanse of silk. 整句话翻译为:她开始着手处理更有野心的主题,比如作品大海,在这个作品中舞者们在色光灯所创造的辽阔的隐形丝绸下摇摆。
adj. 平行的;
托福例句:Her interest in color and light paralleled the research of several artists of the period, notably the painter Seurat, famed for his Pointillist technique of creating a sense of shapes and light on canvas by applying extremely small dots of color rather than by painting lines.(OG8 Loie Fuller)
解析:parallel常见意思为平行的,而作动词时,表示与相似或是相媲美,有比较的意义在里面,比如to parallel someone。这句很长,主句很短,从notably开始的成分都是对画家Seurat的限定,famed forby doing something整句理解为,她对颜色和光线的兴趣与同期许多艺术家的研究相似,最为著名的是画家Seurat,他以点彩派画技,通过运用极小的色彩点取代了画线条的方法在帆布上创造形状和光线感。