1.He might like to go outside and lookat it.很可能喜欢到外面看看。
2.Now, we can lookat the navigation system to find the best route home.现在我们可以看看导向系统以找出最佳的回家路线。
3.We have never had a direct lookat this area.我们从没有直接观察过这片区域。
4.Did you get a lookat the pancreas before the world ended?在世界末日前观察到胰腺了吗?
5.Maybe I should lookat schools while I'm here.也许我应该趁现在留意一下这里的学校。
6.Lookat these little apartments right here.瞧瞧这些小不点的公寓。
7.You wanna lookat the lining of his brain?你要查看他大脑皮层?
8.If you first "lookAt" something and then change the position, the camera will still be looking in the direction set initially.我换了位置以后相机还可能看得是原来的角度方向?