1、Let the stormy sea coral away from the erosion it? That is tantamount to ruin their beauty.让珊瑚远离惊涛骇浪的侵蚀吗?那无异是将它们的美丽葬送。
2、The coral reefs are not exempt.
3、I'm helping to do research on the coral and the fish that live around the reefs.我正在帮助研究珊瑚和生活在珊瑚礁周围的鱼类。
4、Resembling coral in appearance or form.珊瑚状的外观或形状象珊瑚一样的
5、Bioactive materials are equally important to growth of Marine life found in coral reefs.生物活性的材料是同样重要的在珊瑚礁找到的海洋生物成长。
6、The ship was wrecked on a coral reef.这条船在珊瑚暗礁上撞毁了。
7、A glowing hermit crab tentatively peeks out of its coral burrow in Palau.在帕劳,一只通纳拍红的的寄居蟹试探性地从它的珊瑚洞穴往外窥视。
8、He wore a suit and tie, she a coral knit dress.他穿西装打领带,她穿橘红色针织裙。
9、a group of coral islands in eastern Micronesia密克罗尼西亚东部的一组珊瑚群岛。