2、做名词have a try试一试
如:Why not have a try ?为什么不试一试?
He would like to have a try at (or for)this chance.他将愿意试试这次机会。
Let me have a try at (or for)it.让我试一下。
3、做动词try to do sth试着做某事
如:Well , we'll try to finish the homework in time.那好。我们争取及时完成作业。
词义辨析:try to-v, try v-ing这两个短语含义不同,前者意思是“试图或努力去做某事”,而后者意是“试验一下某种方法”。
例如:try to climb the mountain设法向山上爬(未成功)
try climbing the mountain努力爬上山去(成功)
2、try at, try for这两个短语的意思不同:try at的意思是“尝试”;而try for的意思是“谋求,争取”。
例如:Let's take another try at getting up this hill.让我们再试爬一下这座山。
He said he was going to try for first place next year.他说他明年会争取夺得第一名。