1.Press and hold the Input Selector for the main device the remote will be operating until the Program LED flashes and the remote enters Program mode.
2.Select the type of punch-through programming.
a)To program volume control punch-through, press the Volume Up Button.
b)To program channel control punch-through, press the Volume Down Button.
c)To program transport control punch-through, press the Play Button.
3.Press the Input Selector for the device whose volume,channel or transport controls you would like to be active while operating the device you selected in the first step. The LED will flash green to confirm the programming. 展开
2.Select the type of punch-through programming.
a)To program volume control punch-through, press the Volume Up Button.
b)To program channel control punch-through, press the Volume Down Button.
c)To program transport control punch-through, press the Play Button.
3.Press the Input Selector for the device whose volume,channel or transport controls you would like to be active while operating the device you selected in the first step. The LED will flash green to confirm the programming. 展开
1.Press and hold the Input Selector for the main device the remote will be operating until the Program LED flashes and the remote enters Program mode.
1. 按住 Input Selector (一个键位), 遥控器主色备将运行知道主程序灯闪烁,同时遥控器会进入程序模式.
2.Select the type of punch-through programming
a)To program volume control punch-through, press the Volume Up Button.
a)设定声音控制, 按Volume up按钮
b)To program channel control punch-through, press the Volume Down Button
b)设定频道控制,按Volume Down按钮
c)To program transport control punch-through, press the Play Button.
3.Press the Input Selector for the device whose volume,channel or transport controls you would like to be active while operating the device you selected in the first step. The LED will flash green to confirm the programming
3.按Input Selector(一个按钮),为设备的音量,频道,转换控制设置你在第一步完成的方案,显示灯闪绿说明程序已接受.
1. 按住 Input Selector (一个键位), 遥控器主色备将运行知道主程序灯闪烁,同时遥控器会进入程序模式.
2.Select the type of punch-through programming
a)To program volume control punch-through, press the Volume Up Button.
a)设定声音控制, 按Volume up按钮
b)To program channel control punch-through, press the Volume Down Button
b)设定频道控制,按Volume Down按钮
c)To program transport control punch-through, press the Play Button.
3.Press the Input Selector for the device whose volume,channel or transport controls you would like to be active while operating the device you selected in the first step. The LED will flash green to confirm the programming
3.按Input Selector(一个按钮),为设备的音量,频道,转换控制设置你在第一步完成的方案,显示灯闪绿说明程序已接受.