
以“Basketball"为题,写一篇60个单词的短文~参考词汇:popular,intheworld,like,favorite,fan,afamouspiayer,p... 以“Basketball"为题,写一篇60个单词的短文~
参考词汇:popular,in the world,like,favorite,fan,a famous piayer,
play...well,in the future
2008-09-30 · TA获得超过695个赞
Early in December 1891 in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA (Springfield) Young Men's Christian City International Training School (later to Springfield College), from the school physical education teacher James Naismith (James Naismith) Dr. invention, then only the rules of basketball 13, Dr. Naismith's death in 1939, the 78-year-old throughout the year.
He never thought he created basketball in more than 200 countries have been on the market, but also has American Basketball Awards. In World War I when the U.S. imported from Europe.
To commemorate Dr. Naismith invented basketball achievements in the Springfield College campus built in the United States Basketball Hall of Fame - James Naismith Memorial Hall.
In 1891, Naismith in Springfield, Mass., the International Young Men's Christian Association Training School to teach. The school sports Luther Gulick Head of the Department for implementing the physical education curriculum in winter, he commissioned the design of an indoor group games. He likes children from the local ball into peach baskets (local rich peach, peach baskets are available in all households) in the game's inspiration, compose a basketball game.
At first, the Naismith nailed two peach baskets in the other room keys are on the railing of the stands, the peach basket on the ground along the distance 3.05 meters, with football as a tool game, throwing to the basket. Have a ball into the basket, how many points decided by the outcome. Each ball into the basket, Pa Tizi the ball out to be re-started race. After the baskets will be gradually replaced by live at the end of the iron basket, and then read the following Tiequan linked network. People call this game "Naismith Ball" or "basket ball" for a long time, after he and his colleagues repeatedly to discuss a "basketball."
30-year-old when Naismith invented basketball, basketball, but after the birth of nearly half a century has been overlooked until the 1936 Berlin Olympics only by the respect they deserve. 75-year-old Naismith with the U.S. basketball team arrived in Berlin, but the United States basketball team he coaches from the United States are only responsible for the cost of air tickets to Berlin, do not assume their hotel in Berlin's fees and the cost of tickets. The United States Olympic Committee has ignored so that the father of basketball a heavy heart.
The International Amateur Basketball Federation Secretary-General, William Jones was the first great respect and admiration for him, not only to resolve his hotel and invited him for the first Olympic Games basketball competition kick-off. Before the kick-off Jones to all athletes who introduced the inventor of basketball, Naismith was warmly welcomed by everyone. All the end of the game, Jones has also arranged for Chennai Sri Lankan history presided over the awards ceremony and awarded him a special Olympic medal in recognition of his achievements invented basketball. When a German girl Yuegui Guan presented to him, Naismith wild with joy, excitement was thrown into the sky cap.
Naismith's death in 1939. In order to always cherish the memory of the pioneers of basketball, FIBA in 1950 in the 1st World Men's Basketball Championship to be held during the first meeting of the Central Council, decided to men's basketball World Championship Gold Cup named "Naismith Cup."
In 1893 to form a modern approximation of the rebounds, and the Nets ring. The original game of basketball, playing on the number, size of the venue, the game was no strict time limit. Just the two sides to participate in the competition must be equal to the number of people. Game, the two players were standing on both ends of the line, and referee Mingshao seen hurling the ball in the middle course, both inside and ran toward the ball, the game started. Ball can be shot with the ball and ran toward the basket, first of all achieve the target score for victory. In 1892, Naismith developed 13 rules, the main provisions of the ball are not allowed to run, are not allowed to have a rough actions are not allowed to use the ball in boxing, this would be in consecutive sentence fouls 3 fouls a negative sub-contractors; time for the game , The second half, 15 minutes; on the size of the venues are on. Gradually reduce the number of people playing games for each team and 10, 9, 7, 1893 as each team playing 5.
No. 3 in the 1904 Olympic Games for the first time for a basketball exhibition match. In 1908 the United States to develop a unified national basketball rules, and there are a variety of text published in the world, so that gradually spread throughout the basketball in the Americas, Europe and Asia, has become a worldwide sport. In 1936 the 11th Olympic Games men's basketball will be classified as an official event, and the reunification of the world basketball competition rules, since then, in 1948 to 10 years, rules have been revised many times, with the current rules of the important changes are: Score After the jump ball in the circle, the team changed to missing in the post-game objects being thrown from a foul ball outside the end line to continue to race; offensive team must be within 10 seconds the ball forward and play up front; the ball into the field after the former may not return to the market after; offensive players Shall not be in the "restricted zone" remain within 3 seconds; shooting team members have been infringed, voted in a free throw, 2 free throws in a vote of no second-class. 1952 No. 15, 16 and in 1956 the two-time Olympic basketball competition, there have been more than two meters above, the International Amateur Basketball Federation on two occasions to expand the basketball venue, "Restricted Area" (also known as "3 seconds" ); Also provides a team to control the ball after 30 seconds in the shooting hand. In the early 60s and about 10 seconds after the ball back to the field, once in 1960 as a result of the 17th Olympic Games after the abolition of the midfield line to draw the line and the mid-point of the suspension. 1964 18th Olympic Games after the resumption of the midfield line, and continue to implement these provisions. 1977, an increase of 10 per team fouls, the defensive foul when two free throws, anti-double foul shooting when there is not a meeting in fines plus 1. 1981 will be 10 free throws after the foul to reduce the requirement to 8 times. It is clear that changes in the personnel of the technology, the development of tactics caused the rules change, and change the rules and the promotion of technical and tactical changes for the further development. Especially since the late 50's, to change the rules of the game of basketball on the offensive and defensive speed, the athletes of the body, technology, tactics and the will to work and other areas have been put forward higher requirements to promote the basketball skills of the rapidly rising , The women's basketball in 1976 is the 21th Olympic Games as an official event until the.
Basketball is a before and after 1896 by the Tianjin YMCA into China and then in Beijing, Shanghai Young Men's Christian Association, the event also. In 1910 the National Games to be held on the men's basketball exhibition match, in major cities across the country, schools in basketball activities carried out gradually, with Tianjin, Beijing, Shanghai better, higher level, then Very simple rules, the court in the middle of a painting about 1 meter in diameter circle, the center jump ball when players have to put one hand behind the waist, not enough to take any of the outside. Technology is simple, jump ball in the circle, who received the ball on his dribble, shoot on the defensive over. At that time, only dribble in a straight line forward, is to pass a single, hand chest pass, running one-handed shot with a low shot in hand, shooting both near and far are standing with both hands before the lower abdomen shooting hand. In 1925 before and after the offensive and defensive player of the 5, with a clearer division of labor, center of the center, back to the striker, it was man-to-man, stare at their respective opponents. But the striker's role is just shooting attack, regardless of retreat; guard duty is only defensive tackle ball, whether shooting. Guard and small forward running game, the only center to both offense and defense. After gradually replaced by a guard who assists the two (guard activities), who left the field and 1 (fixed guard), the two strikers have become a person to stay in the former field-specific attack, fast break, after the market retreated 1 to help prevent . Action has also been the development of technology, there have been running one-handed shot, master shot, standing shooting occurred hands across their chests shooting, appeared in a single pass, hit his hands to pass, dribble there have been two-handed turn of dodge ball and go beyond the defensive Defense technology to move forward. Rules have been added to the penalty area and the free-throw line, members of 4th foul was disqualified, foul free throw by the captain of any designated a team penalty. Competition is divided into hours, 20 minutes the second half, a 10-minute break in the middle. Every time or fines in the vote, all in the jump ball circle, re-started race. The level of basketball in China in 1926 have since improved.
In 1892, basketball's inventor Smith set 18 simple rules into the basketball game against the stage and then produced the game's leading organizations, law enforcement umpire - the referee.
Foreign basketball referee, said the "referee" every game is there, the two vice, "the referee." Nation-building, said China's basketball referee for the "commander" and each is only one basketball game, "commander." After the liberation of the referee called, is located in each soccer match, the two vice referees.
China's basketball referee in five bands: international, national, level, secondary and tertiary. As the intensity of the speed of basketball games are getting bigger, for a more comprehensive and accurate implementation of the rules, some countries have started every game based on a trial basis before, during and after the three referees.
Edit this paragraph to develop the Naismith Basketball Rules
① basketball is carried out by hand movement, the ball is round;
② hand with the ball running away or are not allowed;
③ athletes can go anywhere in the field, they do not impede each other and affect the athletes;
④ between athletes and athletes are not allowed physical contact took place;
⑤ should be the level of the ring.
Under the 5 basic principles, Mr. Naismith work out the most primitive of the basketball competition rules. The most original rules of basketball competition, a total of 13. This is the basic contents of the 13 are:
1. Players can use one hand or both hands to throw the ball in any direction.
2. Players can use one hand or both hands to scramble in any direction, play, but can not hit with fists.
3. Players can not take the ball.
4. Must be hand-ball, and not allowed to use their heads, legs kick.
5. Does not allow players to use shoulder collision, hand, hand-pushed, hit hands, feet trip, and other methods to deal with the other players. Any player in violation of this rule, is considered to be the first foul, foul again for the second time, we should be forced to stop play, hit a ball until after the game to re-enter the competition. If you intend to hurt the other players, it is necessary to cancel his participation in the qualification tournament as a whole, and not allowed to substitute.
6. Boxing with the ball is in violation of Article 3 and Article 4 of the rules.
7. If any of the parties foul 3 times in a row, it is necessary to balance the other side of a hit ball. Fouls in a row means: a period of time, the other team members did not foul, and the side of the team after another foul.
8. If the defender touched the ball or not interfere with the ball, put the ball inside the basket and remain in the basket, even in the basket. If the ball stopped at the basket, and the other team touches the basket, but also in a fortune-telling ball.
9. When the ball out of bounds, the ball will be the first contact with the ball were thrown into the site. If so, arguing the referee the ball into the site. Objects being thrown from a foul ball to allow 5 seconds, if more than 5 seconds, the ball is awarded to the other side.
10. The main players are the referees referee, he has the right to blow a foul. When a team fouls in a row 3 times, he will inform the deputy judge. He announced the abolition of the right to a qualified member of the competition.
11. Vice referee's decision is a ball, he can decide when the ball in the game, and to time and decided to hit the ball, the ball hit record, as well as a number of referees should normally bear the responsibility.
12. In the two games within 15 minutes, 5 minutes to rest in the middle.
13. Hit the ball up to the winning side, if a draw, the captain of the two sides agreed that the game could be extended again hit a ball so far.
This is the original 13 rules of basketball competition, although no system is incomplete, some of which clearly is not enough, but in the early development of basketball played a great role in promoting. In particular the development of basketball to this day of modern basketball, skills and tactics more and more high-level, the rule has become even more important, it requires strict, scientific and systematic management of the basketball competition.

参考资料: http://baike.baidu.com/view/2278.htm

2008-09-30 · TA获得超过427个赞
Basketall is one of most popular sports in the world, especially in the Unite States. Hundreds of thousands young people like to watch basketball during NBA championship competition. In China, Chinese fans are quite familiar with those famous players of NBA, the most favourite player is Kobe Bryant from LA Lakers. Now more and more Chinese feel proud of Youming appearance of NBA court several years ago. We expect him to play well in the near future.
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