泰戈尔在诗中写道:“花的事业是甜蜜的,果的事业是珍贵的,让我干叶的事业吧,因为它总是谦逊地低垂着它的绿荫。”带着对绿叶精神的追求,带着对教师的崇拜,带着对教育事业的憧憬与热爱,十二年前,我义无反顾地选择了教师这一职业。从踏上三尺讲台的第一天,我便有一个执着的信念:全身心投入教育事业,努力工作,不断进取,尽我所能,让每一个学生能成人,让每一个家长都放心。 “一切为了孩子,为了孩子一切,为了一切孩子。”我把它当作我从教的最高准则,在平凡的工作岗位上做着平凡的事情。因为我选择了教师这一职业。我从不因个人私事和家庭困难而耽误学生的学习。我清晰地记得:前年夏天,我到三峡学院参加小学英语教师培训学习,一个噩耗传来,父亲溺水身亡,犹如晴天霹雳,因为家中还有两个急需他照料的亲人——瘫痪在床的祖母和患精神病的母亲。但我从没因家中困难向组织要求什么,也从没因此而耽误学生一节课。只有空闲之余,我才回去看看,直到祖母去世。屋漏偏逢夜雨。我两岁多的儿子又被开水烫伤。为了不耽误学生的学习,我把药带回家自己料理,天天奔走于教室、寝室、医院之间。我曾苦恼,也曾彷徨,但我的学生给了我无穷的力量。他们说:“老师,你去给孩子看病吧!我们自己学习,能行!”我是幸福的,因为我拥有孩子们的理解,拥有孩子们的爱。就是这份爱,让我在最困难的时期坚强地挺过来了。 如今,在市场经济大潮的冲击下,人人奔钱看,而作为教师的我们,往往是两袖清风,囊中羞涩。虽说我们不具备金钱的富有,但我们在精神上是富有的,有谁能像我们一样,一举手、一投足,一个美丽的微笑,一个鼓励的眼神,一句关切的话语,就能拨动一个个美妙的心弦,就能带给他们无限欢乐?! 我是教师,就要奉献,淡泊名利、安贫乐道,时刻不忘责任,一心想着事业。“捧着一颗心来,不带半棵草去。”为了学生能全面发展,培优辅困;为了学生能共同进步,促膝谈心;为了学生能受到教育;不知付出了多少时间与精力!但我无怨无悔。因为我从事着“天底下最光辉的事业。” 我爱学生,学生也爱我。因为有了爱,地更阔,天更蓝;因为有了爱,花更艳,草更芳。而心中的那份爱,将激励着我在人生的道路上艰苦跋涉,用热血和汗水去浇灌一茬茬幼苗、一簇簇花蕾,用爱心去托起明天的太阳! 展开
泰戈尔在诗中写道:“花的事业是甜蜜的,果的事业是珍贵的,让我干叶的事业吧,因为它总是谦逊地低垂着它的绿荫。”带着对绿叶精神的追求,带着对教师的崇拜,带着对教育事业的憧憬与热爱,十二年前,我义无反顾地选择了教师这一职业。从踏上三尺讲台的第一天,我便有一个执着的信念:全身心投入教育事业,努力工作,不断进取,尽我所能,让每一个学生能成人,让每一个家长都放心。 “一切为了孩子,为了孩子一切,为了一切孩子。”我把它当作我从教的最高准则,在平凡的工作岗位上做着平凡的事情。因为我选择了教师这一职业。我从不因个人私事和家庭困难而耽误学生的学习。我清晰地记得:前年夏天,我到三峡学院参加小学英语教师培训学习,一个噩耗传来,父亲溺水身亡,犹如晴天霹雳,因为家中还有两个急需他照料的亲人——瘫痪在床的祖母和患精神病的母亲。但我从没因家中困难向组织要求什么,也从没因此而耽误学生一节课。只有空闲之余,我才回去看看,直到祖母去世。屋漏偏逢夜雨。我两岁多的儿子又被开水烫伤。为了不耽误学生的学习,我把药带回家自己料理,天天奔走于教室、寝室、医院之间。我曾苦恼,也曾彷徨,但我的学生给了我无穷的力量。他们说:“老师,你去给孩子看病吧!我们自己学习,能行!”我是幸福的,因为我拥有孩子们的理解,拥有孩子们的爱。就是这份爱,让我在最困难的时期坚强地挺过来了。 如今,在市场经济大潮的冲击下,人人奔钱看,而作为教师的我们,往往是两袖清风,囊中羞涩。虽说我们不具备金钱的富有,但我们在精神上是富有的,有谁能像我们一样,一举手、一投足,一个美丽的微笑,一个鼓励的眼神,一句关切的话语,就能拨动一个个美妙的心弦,就能带给他们无限欢乐?! 我是教师,就要奉献,淡泊名利、安贫乐道,时刻不忘责任,一心想着事业。“捧着一颗心来,不带半棵草去。”为了学生能全面发展,培优辅困;为了学生能共同进步,促膝谈心;为了学生能受到教育;不知付出了多少时间与精力!但我无怨无悔。因为我从事着“天底下最光辉的事业。” 我爱学生,学生也爱我。因为有了爱,地更阔,天更蓝;因为有了爱,花更艳,草更芳。而心中的那份爱,将激励着我在人生的道路上艰苦跋涉,用热血和汗水去浇灌一茬茬幼苗、一簇簇花蕾,用爱心去托起明天的太阳! 展开
In order that the hearts of love
Tagore wrote in a poem: "The flower is the cause of the sweet, the fruit is the cause of the precious, let me do it the cause of the leaf, as it always modest falls in its shade." Carrying on The pursuit of the spirit of green leaves, with the worship of teachers, with a vision for education and love, 12 years ago, I would not hesitate to choose the profession of teachers. Three feet from the podium on the first day, I have a persistent belief: The heart and soul into the cause of education, work hard, keep making progress, the best of my ability, so that every adult students, so that each of the parents at ease. "To all the children, in order to all children, in order to all children." I regard it as I have taught the highest standards in the extraordinary job doing extraordinary things. I chose this career teachers. I have never a private matter for personal and family difficulties and delays in learning. I clearly remember: the year before last summer, I went to the Three Gorges College to participate in the training of teachers in primary schools to learn English, a news came that his father drowned, like a bolt from the blue, because there are two much-needed home care of his family members - in paralysis of the bed Grandmother and mother had a mental illness. But I never at home because of the difficulties to the requirements of any organization, there has never held a class of students. Only free, I go back and look, until the death of his grandmother. Partial under a leaking roof on a rainy night. I have two-year-old son was scalded water. In order not to delay learning, I have drugs to take home their own cooking, running every day in classrooms, dormitories, hospitals. I have been distressed, also at a loss, but my students gave me great strength. They said: "The teacher, you have to go to the doctor the child it! Our own study, can do it!" I am happy because I have children's understanding, has a love of children. This is love, let me in the most difficult period of up quite strongly. Today, the tide of market economy under the impact of all the money off, and as teachers we often thus leave it penniless, in capsule shy. Although we do not have the money to the rich, but we are rich in spirit, who, like us, a show of hands, I cast all, a beautiful smile, a look of encouragement, a concern about the words, you can touch In a beautiful chord, we can give them unlimited joy? ! I am a teacher, it is necessary to sacrifice, indifferent to fame and wealth Anpinledao and always keep in mind the responsibility, bent on a career. "Holding a heart, without trees and a half to grass." To all-round development of students, Pei-fu You ride out the storm; students to be able to make progress together, having heart; for students to be educated; to pay do not know how much time and effort! But I no regrets. Because I am involved in "the most glorious career in the world." I love my students and I also love. Because of love, to a wider, the sky bluer; because of the love and spend more Yan, a more grass-fang. And in the hearts of love that will motivate me in life on the road trek, with blood and sweat to Yicha watering crop seedlings, Cucu a bud, love to hold up tomorrow the sun!
Tagore wrote in a poem: "The flower is the cause of the sweet, the fruit is the cause of the precious, let me do it the cause of the leaf, as it always modest falls in its shade." Carrying on The pursuit of the spirit of green leaves, with the worship of teachers, with a vision for education and love, 12 years ago, I would not hesitate to choose the profession of teachers. Three feet from the podium on the first day, I have a persistent belief: The heart and soul into the cause of education, work hard, keep making progress, the best of my ability, so that every adult students, so that each of the parents at ease. "To all the children, in order to all children, in order to all children." I regard it as I have taught the highest standards in the extraordinary job doing extraordinary things. I chose this career teachers. I have never a private matter for personal and family difficulties and delays in learning. I clearly remember: the year before last summer, I went to the Three Gorges College to participate in the training of teachers in primary schools to learn English, a news came that his father drowned, like a bolt from the blue, because there are two much-needed home care of his family members - in paralysis of the bed Grandmother and mother had a mental illness. But I never at home because of the difficulties to the requirements of any organization, there has never held a class of students. Only free, I go back and look, until the death of his grandmother. Partial under a leaking roof on a rainy night. I have two-year-old son was scalded water. In order not to delay learning, I have drugs to take home their own cooking, running every day in classrooms, dormitories, hospitals. I have been distressed, also at a loss, but my students gave me great strength. They said: "The teacher, you have to go to the doctor the child it! Our own study, can do it!" I am happy because I have children's understanding, has a love of children. This is love, let me in the most difficult period of up quite strongly. Today, the tide of market economy under the impact of all the money off, and as teachers we often thus leave it penniless, in capsule shy. Although we do not have the money to the rich, but we are rich in spirit, who, like us, a show of hands, I cast all, a beautiful smile, a look of encouragement, a concern about the words, you can touch In a beautiful chord, we can give them unlimited joy? ! I am a teacher, it is necessary to sacrifice, indifferent to fame and wealth Anpinledao and always keep in mind the responsibility, bent on a career. "Holding a heart, without trees and a half to grass." To all-round development of students, Pei-fu You ride out the storm; students to be able to make progress together, having heart; for students to be educated; to pay do not know how much time and effort! But I no regrets. Because I am involved in "the most glorious career in the world." I love my students and I also love. Because of love, to a wider, the sky bluer; because of the love and spend more Yan, a more grass-fang. And in the hearts of love that will motivate me in life on the road trek, with blood and sweat to Yicha watering crop seedlings, Cucu a bud, love to hold up tomorrow the sun!