Our lives in 2020
As 21th century coming, technology is developing faster than ever before,researchers create miracles everyday, and they change the whole world.
In 2020, what will change our life?
This question's answer is still unknown, but before 2020 comes, we can imagine it first, what kind of life would be?
这是一篇演讲文章的开头,拜托大家帮我改语法错误,或是把一些词改的更符合语境、更优美一些,谢谢~~ 展开
As 21th century coming, technology is developing faster than ever before,researchers create miracles everyday, and they change the whole world.
In 2020, what will change our life?
This question's answer is still unknown, but before 2020 comes, we can imagine it first, what kind of life would be?
这是一篇演讲文章的开头,拜托大家帮我改语法错误,或是把一些词改的更符合语境、更优美一些,谢谢~~ 展开