public class MyTabControl : TabControl{}[Serializable] //ToolboxItem必须是可序列化的
class DemoToolboxItem : ToolboxItem{// The add components dialog in VS looks for a public
// ctor that takes a type.
public DemoToolboxItem(Type toolType)
: base(toolType){}// And you must provide this special constructor for serialization.
// If you add additional data to MyToolboxItem that you
// want to serialize, you may override Deserialize and
// Serialize methods to add that data.
DemoToolboxItem(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context){Deserialize(info, context);}// This implementation sets the new control's Text and
// AutoSize properties.
protected override IComponent[] CreateComponentsCore(
IDesignerHost host,
IDictionary defaultValues){IComponent[] comps = base.CreateComponentsCore(host, defaultValues);
MessageBox.Show(((MyTabControl)comps [0]).TabPages.Count.ToString());
((MyTabControl)comps[0]).TabPages.RemoveAt (0);//去掉默认添加的TabPage
class DemoToolboxItem : ToolboxItem{// The add components dialog in VS looks for a public
// ctor that takes a type.
public DemoToolboxItem(Type toolType)
: base(toolType){}// And you must provide this special constructor for serialization.
// If you add additional data to MyToolboxItem that you
// want to serialize, you may override Deserialize and
// Serialize methods to add that data.
DemoToolboxItem(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context){Deserialize(info, context);}// This implementation sets the new control's Text and
// AutoSize properties.
protected override IComponent[] CreateComponentsCore(
IDesignerHost host,
IDictionary defaultValues){IComponent[] comps = base.CreateComponentsCore(host, defaultValues);
MessageBox.Show(((MyTabControl)comps [0]).TabPages.Count.ToString());
((MyTabControl)comps[0]).TabPages.RemoveAt (0);//去掉默认添加的TabPage