
只要chuck和blair两人之间的对白中英文都要... 只要chuck和blair两人之间的对白 中英文都要 展开
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2014-08-05 · 超过55用户采纳过TA的回答
经典对白: C:No one ceras 无人在乎这小子 B:I do 我在乎 Don't you understand? 你难道还不明白吗? I'll always be here. 我永远都在你的身边. I don't want you going anywhere. 我不想你去任何地方. I couldn't bear it. 这会让我受不了的. So whatever you want to do to youself, 无论你想对自己做什么, Please don't do that to me. 请不要这样对我. Please. 求你了. C:I'm sorry. 对不起. B:It's okay. 没关系的. chances to say " I LOVE YOU " 第一次:继承第一季,这是关于第一季在旅行时C抛弃B后。B在WHITE PARTY 后 要跟那个伯爵走了,C追出来 对话 B:Chuck , aren't done try to destroy my night 。 C:Look , I should never abandoned you and i knew i made the wrong decision as your plane took off , i distract myself all summer so i wouldnt feel it but i still do B: And ? C: I was scared ,I was scared that if we spend the whole summer together just us you will see ~~ B: see what ? C:Me .Please dont leave with him B:Why? Give me a reason , and I am Chuck Bass doesnt count. C: Because you dont want to , B:Not good enough , C:I dont want you to , B:That is not enough , C:What else is there ? B:The true reason i should stay right who i am and not get in the car . Three words ,Eight letters , say it then i am yours. C:I~~ I~~ B:Thank you , that is all i needed to hear B哭着坐着那个伯爵的车走了,留下C在那里伤感 第二次: 两人合计勾引陷害V ,奖品就是两个人XX。 在两人合计不成之后,B说交易终止并叫他一小时后来她家领取“奖品”。 旁白:the most times , it takes just one person who is truly afraid to show what they feel get an opportunity they never thought possible . B: why took you so long ? C: If you thought that was long, you have no idea what you are in for . Hot and sweaty scenes for making out. C: Say it . B : Say what ? I will say anything . C: Say those three words you want me to say , B: Are you kidding ? C: Not quite. C: Eight letters, three syllables, say it then I am yours . B : But I am already yours , you are ruining the mood with all this talk C: You cant say it , you want it from me . B: I am prepared to settle C : Maybe I am not . B : Chuck Bass , I will never say those words to you . C : Then you will never have me . B: Is this because of V ? It was a game , Chuck , that is it . C: Maybe I want to raise the stakes , are you ready to play that game ? I chased you for long enough , now it is time you chase me . 旁白: And some things never change, let a new game begin 第三次:B使用了多项计策勾引C不成之后,决定投降了。 B约好C在布鲁克林见面,说要跟他说出他想要听的答案。 C: Brooklyn ? B: I guess this would be memorable C: Don’t you have something you want to say to me ? B: Yes , it is so silly , what does it matter who say it first , why don’t we just say it together ? C: Because we made a deal . B: Why does everything have to be deal ? C: Because we made it one . What is going on , Blair ? You told me you have something to say to me .Say it , B: Why do I have to be the one go first , I was the one who waited in x for you , I went to x alone . C: That is the ancient history . B: I was the one who asked you to say it first . C: At the white party ? When you were on your way out with the count ? Would you really think I was gonna say it then ? B: Yes , when you didn’t , I wanted to die . C: Don’t tell me you brought me all the way to Brooklyn for this . I thought you already to tell me how you really feel , obviously it is just one of your games . B: My games ? You are the one who started this . C: And you are the one who finish it . B 哭着离开了,真是无限伤感啊, 再次泪奔啊 ,哭死啊 ~~ 这次本来B已经打算说了,结果被DAN给说的失去了勇气 第四次: 颓废的C提前离开父亲的葬礼,B在后面追了出来。(这次B终于说出了那THREE WORDS , 可是怎么感觉反而更伤感呢) B: Chuck, stop , dont go ,or if you have to leave ,let me come with you C: i appreciate your concern B: no , you dont ,you dont appreciate anything today ,but i dont care , whatever you are going do i want be there for you . C: We talked about this .YOU ARE NOT MY GIRLFRIEND. B: But i am me, and you are you ,we are Chuck an Blair , Blair and Chuck . The worst thing you ve ever done , the darkest thought you ve ever had , i will stand by you soon ,anything . C: Why would you do that ? B: BECAUSE I LOVE YOU . C: That is too bad . 旁白: Chuck Bass fleed his father's funeral , and Blair shutting tears for the dearly departed . HAPPY ENDING!!!!! SE2-25,The goodbye gossip girl B: I wanna talk. C: I prefer to talk after [we done]. B: How do you think about my coat? C: I like it.Why? B: (take the coat off)And now? C: Even better. B: And...what about my headband? C: I...admire it. B: and...My stockings? C: oh i adore them. B: And my dress? C: I worship it. B: How do you feel about me? Say it. C: I......(DAMN PHONE RINGING!!) 最后一幕!!!!!!! B:why aren't you in Europe? C:i was in Paris.But only to get your favourite macaroons from pierre herm. B:and Germany? C:to pick up your favourite talky stockings. You know how i adore them. B:what are you doing here then? C; you were right. I was a coward running away again.But everywhere i went, you caught up with me. So i had to come back. B: i want to believe you... But i can't. You've hurt me too many times. C:you can believe me this time B:that's it? C: i love you,too. (kissing...) B:but can you say it twice?... No ,i'm serious, say it twice. C:i love you. I love you mm. There's three, four, --i love you.
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