
电信电子运行维护工单的相关要求是什么... 电信电子运行维护工单的相关要求是什么 展开
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2008-10-11 · TA获得超过1691个赞
LZ好,Work experience
2006/09-2007/12 Common sense Photoelectric (Suzhou)Ltd.
Industry: IT services / networking / telecommunications / communications company size: more than 10,000 people
Positions: Control of Engineers
Job Description: ERP system responsible for the material and the Health and the expected table maintenance, work order management, material procurement sector
Supply and demand information to ensure the accuracy of data; urgency when dealing with production lines and suppliers or customers with the sudden abnormal
The status and proposed effective measures (all of EE and MM), to avoid duplication occurred matters entrusted by the completion, the timing of return
Progress and request assistance in finding alternative materials; Queliao production line reported, the manufacturers expected to recover; track raw materials
Inspection and notify the warehouse to ensure that meet the production coordination of relevant departments of the Plan of Implementation.
Causes of separation: the end of internship, 2001, did not renew the contract.
2008/01- so far Arima Technology Group Arima Ltd. (Suzhou)
Industry: IT services / networking / telecommunications / communications company size: more than 5,000 people
Positions: production and sales management division
Job description: Control of new product introductions Schedule to meet the needs of Business, with mining materials prepared and abnormal
And accept orders (SPP), and single-customer orders start system (SPP Compare), under the orders SPP
To develop production plans (Ruam up Plan), according to the customer Forecast and Review of the outcome of adjusting production and marketing of Health
Production plans and preparation with reminders to update property management plan, Check Xin Jizhong after import MP before and after each stage of production to the RTL
Material conditions, production and marketing-related statements and statements output data integration, cross-functional team coordination of the implementation of the new product introductions
Schedule, complete the task manager delivery, to achieve departmental objectives.
Educational Background
School time professional qualifications
2003/08-2006/06 top of Suzhou University School of modern logistics management specialist
Training experience
2005/07-2005/09 Suzhou Lei Shing Group education training courses: the international logistics enterprises commodity inspection law logistics
Received the certificate:Inspection reportmember of the National Certificate / National Logistics Assistant Certificate
Detailed Description: International Trade in kind of economic management storage and distribution of third-party logistics management of international
- Green logistics supply chain logistics management system project
Better communication skills, have a good management and implementation capacity, can withstand greater pressure of work, soon to fitness
Should work to meet the needs of the work, I believe that through their own efforts will certainly be able to create benefits for your company.
Other capacity
The work place statement: Good
English: Good
Computer capacity: Good
Yahoo mail, E-mail your life! 19988希望对你有帮助!

参考资料: . gjzxpxk

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