For N-D arrays, VAR operates along the first non-singleton dimension of X.
VAR normalizes Y by N-1 if N>1, where N is the sample size. This is an unbiased estimator of the variance of the population from which X is drawn, as long as X consists of independent,identically distributed samples. For N=1, Y is normalized by N.
Y = VAR(X,1) normalizes by N and produces the second moment of the sample about its mean. VAR(X,0) is the same as VAR(X).
Y = VAR(X,W) computes the variance using the weight vector W. The length of W must equal the length of the dimension over which VAR operates, and its elements must be nonnegative. VAR normalizes W to sum to one.
Y = VAR(X,W,DIM) takes the variance along the dimension DIM of X. Pass in 0 for W to use the default normalization by N-1, or 1 to use N.
哪位英语高手帮我翻译这段话~~这是从help中copy过来的,有一小部分已经翻译过了,也知道var函数是用来求方差的,但是上面这些有点看不懂了,帮忙翻译一下~~ 展开
VAR normalizes Y by N-1 if N>1, where N is the sample size. This is an unbiased estimator of the variance of the population from which X is drawn, as long as X consists of independent,identically distributed samples. For N=1, Y is normalized by N.
Y = VAR(X,1) normalizes by N and produces the second moment of the sample about its mean. VAR(X,0) is the same as VAR(X).
Y = VAR(X,W) computes the variance using the weight vector W. The length of W must equal the length of the dimension over which VAR operates, and its elements must be nonnegative. VAR normalizes W to sum to one.
Y = VAR(X,W,DIM) takes the variance along the dimension DIM of X. Pass in 0 for W to use the default normalization by N-1, or 1 to use N.
哪位英语高手帮我翻译这段话~~这是从help中copy过来的,有一小部分已经翻译过了,也知道var函数是用来求方差的,但是上面这些有点看不懂了,帮忙翻译一下~~ 展开
对于N-D数组, VAR沿第一个非一维X使用。
VAR由N-1正常化Y,如果N>1,其中N是样本大小。 这是人口的变化的一个无偏估计值由X得出,只要X包括独立同分布样本。 对于N=1, N.正常化Y。
Y = VAR (X, 1)通过由N正常化并且导致样品的二次矩。 VAR (X, 0)与VAR (X)是相同的。
Y = VAR(X, W)使用重量媒介W计算变化。 W的长度必须合计VAR经营维度的长度,并且它的元素一定非负。 VAR正常化归一至W。
Y = VAR (X, W,DIM)采取沿维度DIM通过X在0的到W的能由N-1使用缺省正常化或者1使用N。
VAR由N-1正常化Y,如果N>1,其中N是样本大小。 这是人口的变化的一个无偏估计值由X得出,只要X包括独立同分布样本。 对于N=1, N.正常化Y。
Y = VAR (X, 1)通过由N正常化并且导致样品的二次矩。 VAR (X, 0)与VAR (X)是相同的。
Y = VAR(X, W)使用重量媒介W计算变化。 W的长度必须合计VAR经营维度的长度,并且它的元素一定非负。 VAR正常化归一至W。
Y = VAR (X, W,DIM)采取沿维度DIM通过X在0的到W的能由N-1使用缺省正常化或者1使用N。
2015-11-13 · 知道合伙人教育行家
函数 VAR 假设其参数是样本总体中的一个样本,如果数据为样本总体,则应使用函数 VARP 来计算方差。
Number1,number2,... 为对应于总体样本的参数。
逻辑值(TRUE 和 FALSE)和文本将被忽略。如果不能忽略逻辑值和文本,请使用 Vara 工作表函数。