Myanmar has a total of 13 main border trade points with its four neighboring countries
缅甸与其毗邻四国共有13个主要 贸易口岸 。
The fortified city of mozambique is located on this island , a former portuguese trading - post on the route to india
坚不可摧的莫桑比克城就建在这个岛上,它是历史上葡萄牙人前往印度途中的一个 贸易口岸 。
The muse 105th mile border trade zone was estabpshed in april this year as the first and largest zone of its kind in myanmar ' s course of transforming border trade system at all trade points into normal one
缅甸木姐105码边境贸易区今年4月建成,是在缅甸试图将所有 贸易口岸 的边境贸易转向一般贸易的过程中建成的第一个也是最大的边境贸易区。
However , there are still a number of niche opportunities within the domestic financial services market , especially in the field of corporate banking . particular growth within the bank sector is expected in the financing of loan operations , export import deals and onpne banking
自hanseatic league时代以来一直作为东西方的运输和 贸易口岸 ,拉脱维亚自从重新恢复独立以来,成功地激发其地理位置作用的新的活力,也是其经济成功的一部分。