回顾西藏实行民族区域自治40多年的光辉历程,全面展示西藏人民在民族区域自治制度下行使当家作主权利,创造美好生活的生动实践,不仅有助于总结经验,开创西藏民族区域自治的新局面,而且有助于澄清是非,增进国际社会对中国民族政策和西藏真实情况的了解。 展开
回顾西藏实行民族区域自治40多年的光辉历程,全面展示西藏人民在民族区域自治制度下行使当家作主权利,创造美好生活的生动实践,不仅有助于总结经验,开创西藏民族区域自治的新局面,而且有助于澄清是非,增进国际社会对中国民族政策和西藏真实情况的了解。 展开
Tibet in 1965 to implement a system of regional ethnic autonomy, the Tibetan people under the leadership of the central government, as masters of, and actively participate in the management of national and regional affairs, and the full exercise of the Constitution and the law of self-government rights,To join the modernization of Tibet, the Tibetan society to achieve development by leaps and bounds, profoundly changed the face of poverty and backwardness in Tibet, greatly enhanced their own material and cultural and political and cultural life.
Recalling the implementation of regional ethnic autonomy in Tibet for more than 40 years of glorious history, a comprehensive display of the Tibetan people in the system of regional national autonomy under the masters of the exercise of the right to create a better life in a lively practice, not only helps to sum up experience,Tibet's regional ethnic autonomy to create a new situation, and help to set the record straight, the international community to promote China's ethnic policy and the understanding of the real situation in Tibet.
Recalling the implementation of regional ethnic autonomy in Tibet for more than 40 years of glorious history, a comprehensive display of the Tibetan people in the system of regional national autonomy under the masters of the exercise of the right to create a better life in a lively practice, not only helps to sum up experience,Tibet's regional ethnic autonomy to create a new situation, and help to set the record straight, the international community to promote China's ethnic policy and the understanding of the real situation in Tibet.