
莫高窟,又名“千佛洞”,位于敦煌市东南25公里处、鸣沙山东麓的断崖上,是我国三大石窟艺术宝库之一。洞窟始凿于前秦建元二年(公元366年),后经历代增修,今存洞窟492个,... 莫高窟,又名“千佛洞”,位于敦煌市东南25公里处、鸣沙山东麓的断崖上,是我国三大石窟艺术宝库之一。洞窟始凿于前秦建元二年(公元366年),后经历代增修,今存洞窟492个,壁画45000平方米彩塑雕像2415尊,是我国现存石窟艺术宝库中规模最大、内容最丰富的一座。其艺术特点主要表现在建筑、塑像和壁画三者的有机结合上。藏经洞中曾出土了经卷、文书、织绣、画像等5万多件,艺术价值极高。系统反映了我国古代东西方文化交流的各个方面,成为人类稀有的文化宝藏。


千百年来,人们使年俗庆祝活动变得异常丰富多彩,每年从农历腊月二十三日起到年三十,家家户户准备年货,节前十天左右,人们就开始忙于采购年货,小孩子还要添置新衣新帽,准备过年时穿。家家户户贴春联 ,房间里张贴年画窗花,门前挂大红灯笼贴财神、门神,吃饺子,包子等各种传统食品,希望在新的一年里能够有更新的起点。福字还可以倒贴,路人一念福倒了,也就是福气到了,这些活动不但为节日增添足够的喜庆气氛也凝聚了中国数千年的文化智慧。

2008-10-28 · 超过10用户采纳过TA的回答
Mogao Grottoes, also known as the "Thousand-Buddha Cave", located 25 km southeast of Dunhuang City, the cliff Mingsha Shan Dong Lu, China's three great art treasure-house of one of the caves. Qian Qin cave before cutting in 2002 yuan (366 AD), after the amendment on behalf of experience, this deposit 492 caves, 45,000 square meters murals colorful statue of 2415, China's existing grotto art treasure-house of the largest, most content-rich 1. The main feature of the art in architecture, statues and murals on the organic combination of all three. Cangjing Dong has been unearthed in the scriptures, instruments, embroidery, portraits and so on more than 50,000 pieces of high artistic value. System reflects the ancient East-West cultural exchanges in all aspects of human culture, rare treasures.

Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shi Huang Hang Lintong District of Xi'an City is located 6 km south of the West Yangcun, 1225 meters east of Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum, Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum is the largest group of Peizang Keng, pit and buried by the vast group of figurines is a powerful Qin Dynasty army In miniature. One is divided into the pits, two pits, on the 3rd hole. Figurines of the three pits with a total area of nearly 20,000 square meters, with a total of pit real, genuine horse pottery figurine of similar size, Ma Tao, about 8000, tens of thousands of weapons and practical. Pottery figurine figurines pit, according to Ma Tao ancient military formations arranged. Various types of pottery figurine, according to two generals in his capacity as figurines, figurines Jun Li, warrior figurines, and so on several levels, the clothes, cap, Shenzi vary, are thousands and thousands of pieces of figurines not the same as a face. Fully reflects China's ancient wisdom of the working people of China and the great ancient civilization in the history of the creation, by the peoples of the world's favorite, as the "Eighth Wonder of the World" in the history of the twentieth century's greatest archaeological discovery.

Spring Festival, is the first day of the first lunar month, also known as the lunar calendar, known as the "Chinese New Year." This is the most solemn of civil, the most popular of a traditional festival. The Spring Festival is a long history, which originated in the Shang period in the first ritual of the Suiwei worship activities. In accordance with China's Lunar New Year, the first month became the first Chinese New Year.
For thousands of years, people make custom-year celebration has become uncommonly rich and varied, from the annual Chinese New Layue played on the 23rd New Year's Eve, New Year every household to prepare, about ten days before, people began to purchase busy New Year, also a child Installation of new clothes to the new cap, ready to wear New Year. Affixed to every New Year, New Year posted in the room window, hanging in front of the Red Lantern paste the God of Wealth, god, eating dumplings, steamed stuffed bun and other traditional foods, in the hope that the new year will have to update the starting point. Fu also lose the word, read a passer-by was a blessing, which is a blessing to these activities have not only enough to add festive atmosphere also embodies the Chinese culture for thousands of years of wisdom.

Is the first month of the Lunar New Year in January, said the ancients for the night, "night", said the fifteenth day for the Lantern Festival. Lantern Festival originated in the Han Dynasty. On the 15th day of the year in the first full moon night, is also the only one dollar complex, the rejuvenation of the earth at night, people have to celebrate, to celebrate Chinese New Year is also a continuation. Lantern Festival, also known as "Spring Festival." According to the Chinese folk tradition, in this Haoyue hanging in the sky the night, the main points from 10,000 lantern as a sign of celebration. Full moon out, Lotus Lantern Fang Yan, hi guess lantern riddles, eating a total of Lantern Festival, on this day, people with good wishes of family reunion to celebrate the festive season, and enjoyable.

Grottes de Mogao, également connu sous le nom de "Mille-Bouddha Cave", situé à 25 km au sud de la ville de Dunhuang, la falaise Mingsha Shan Dong Lu, la Chine trois grands trésor d'art-maison de l'une des grottes. Qian Qin grotte avant de la couper en 2002 yuan (366 AD), après l'amendement au nom de l'expérience, ce dépôt de 492 grottes, 45,000 square mètres peintures murales colorées statue de 2415, la Chine existantes grotte trésor d'art-house de la plus grande, plus riches en contenu 1. La principale caractéristique de l'art dans l'architecture, les statues et les peintures murales sur la combinaison organique des trois. Cangjing Dong a été mis au jour dans les Ecritures, d'instruments, de broderie, des portraits et ainsi de suite plus de 50.000 pièces de haute valeur artistique. Tenant compte de l'ancien Est-Ouest, les échanges culturels dans tous les aspects de la culture humaine, de rares trésors.

Terracotta Warriors et les chevaux de Qin Shi Huang Lintong Hang District de Xi'an City est situé à 6 km au sud de la Yangcun Ouest, 1225 mètres à l'est de Qin Shi Huang Mausolée, Qin Shi Huang Mausolée est le plus grand groupe de Peizang Keng, fosse et enterrés par le vaste groupe de figurines est une puissante dynastie des Qin armée En miniature. L'un est divisé en des puits, des deux noyaux, au 3e trou. Figurines des trois puits d'une superficie totale de près de 20.000 mètres carrés, avec un total de la fosse réel, véritable cheval de poterie figurine de taille similaire, Ma Tao, environ 8000, des dizaines de milliers d'armes et de pratique. Céramique figurine figurines fosse, conformément à l'ancienne Ma Tao organisé des formations militaires. Différents types de poterie figurine, en fonction de deux généraux en sa qualité de figurines, statuettes Jun Li, guerrier figurines, et ainsi à plusieurs niveaux, les vêtements, casquette, Shenzi varier, sont des milliers et des milliers de morceaux de figurines pas la même chose que le visage. Reflète pleinement de la Chine ancienne sagesse du peuple travailleur de la Chine et les grandes et anciennes civilization dans l'histoire de la création, par les peuples du monde préférées, comme la "huitième merveille du monde" dans l'histoire du XXe siècle la plus grande découverte archéologique.

Festival de Printemps, est le premier jour du premier mois lunaire, appelé aussi le calendrier lunaire, connue sous le nom de "Nouvel An chinois." Il s'agit de la plus solennelle des droits civils, le plus populaire d'un festival traditionnel. Le Festival de Printemps est une longue histoire, qui trouve son origine dans la période Shang dans le premier rituel du culte Suiwei activités. Conformément à la Chine de la Nouvelle Année lunaire, le premier mois est devenu le premier Nouvel An chinois.
Pour des milliers d'années, les gens font la coutume ans la célébration est devenue exceptionnellement riche et varié, de la Nouvelle annuel chinois Layue joué le 23 la Saint-Sylvestre, Nouvel An tous les ménages à préparer, une dizaine de jours avant, les gens ont commencé à acheter occupé Nouvel An, également un enfant Installation de nouveaux vêtements à la nouvelle PAC, prêt à porter Nouvelle Année. Apposée à chaque Nouvel An, Nouvel An affichés dans la fenêtre, suspendu en face de la Lanterne Rouge collez le Dieu de la richesse, dieu, manger des boulettes, petit pain farci cuit à la vapeur et d'autres aliments traditionnels, dans l'espoir que la nouvelle année sera de mettre à jour le point de départ. Fu Lee a également perdre la parole, lire un passant a été par une bénédiction, qui est une bénédiction pour ces activités n'ont pas seulement suffit d'ajouter ambiance festive incarne aussi la culture chinoise pendant des milliers d'années de la sagesse.

Est-ce que le premier mois du nouvel an lunaire en Janvier, a dit les anciens pour la nuit, "nuit", a déclaré le quinzième jour de la Lantern Festival. Lantern Festival à l'origine de la dynastie Han. Le 15ème jour de l'année au cours de la première nuit de pleine lune, est aussi le seul dollar complexe, le rajeunissement de la terre à la nuit, les gens ont à fêter, de célébrer le Nouvel An chinois est aussi une poursuite. Festival des lanternes, aussi connu sous le nom de "Festival de Printemps." Selon la tradition populaire chinoise, dans ce Haoyue suspendus dans le ciel la nuit, les principaux points de 10.000 lanterne comme un signe de la célébration. Pleine lune sur, Lotus Lantern Fang Yan, salut deviner la lanterne de devinettes, de manger un total de Lantern Festival, ce jour-là, les personnes avec les bons voeux de réunion de famille pour célébrer la saison des fêtes, et agréable.
2008-11-08 · TA获得超过3721个赞
Mogao Grottoes, also known as the "Thousand-Buddha Cave", located 25 km southeast of Dunhuang City, the cliff Mingsha Shan Dong Lu, China's three great art treasure-house of one of the caves. Qian Qin cave before cutting in 2002 yuan (366 AD), after the amendment on behalf of experience, this deposit 492 caves, 45,000 square meters murals colorful statue of 2415, China's existing grotto art treasure-house of the largest, most content-rich 1. The main feature of the art in architecture, statues and murals on the organic combination of all three. Cangjing Dong has been unearthed in the scriptures, instruments, embroidery, portraits and so on more than 50,000 pieces of high artistic value. System reflects the ancient East-West cultural exchanges in all aspects of human culture, rare treasures.

Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shi Huang Hang Lintong District of Xi'an City is located 6 km south of the West Yangcun, 1225 meters east of Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum, Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum is the largest group of Peizang Keng, pit and buried by the vast group of figurines is a powerful Qin Dynasty army In miniature. One is divided into the pits, two pits, on the 3rd hole. Figurines of the three pits with a total area of nearly 20,000 square meters, with a total of pit real, genuine horse pottery figurine of similar size, Ma Tao, about 8000, tens of thousands of weapons and practical. Pottery figurine figurines pit, according to Ma Tao ancient military formations arranged. Various types of pottery figurine, according to two generals in his capacity as figurines, figurines Jun Li, warrior figurines, and so on several levels, the clothes, cap, Shenzi vary, are thousands and thousands of pieces of figurines not the same as a face. Fully reflects China's ancient wisdom of the working people of China and the great ancient civilization in the history of the creation, by the peoples of the world's favorite, as the "Eighth Wonder of the World" in the history of the twentieth century's greatest archaeological discovery.

Spring Festival, is the first day of the first lunar month, also known as the lunar calendar, known as the "Chinese New Year." This is the most solemn of civil, the most popular of a traditional festival. The Spring Festival is a long history, which originated in the Shang period in the first ritual of the Suiwei worship activities. In accordance with China's Lunar New Year, the first month became the first Chinese New Year.
For thousands of years, people make custom-year celebration has become uncommonly rich and varied, from the annual Chinese New Layue played on the 23rd New Year's Eve, New Year every household to prepare, about ten days before, people began to purchase busy New Year, also a child Installation of new clothes to the new cap, ready to wear New Year. Affixed to every New Year, New Year posted in the room window, hanging in front of the Red Lantern paste the God of Wealth, god, eating dumplings, steamed stuffed bun and other traditional foods, in the hope that the new year will have to update the starting point. Fu also lose the word, read a passer-by was a blessing, which is a blessing to these activities have not only enough to add festive atmosphere also embodies the Chinese culture for thousands of years of wisdom.

Is the first month of the Lunar New Year in January, said the ancients for the night, "night", said the fifteenth day for the Lantern Festival. Lantern Festival originated in the Han Dynasty. On the 15th day of the year in the first full moon night, is also the only one dollar complex, the rejuvenation of the earth at night, people have to celebrate, to celebrate Chinese New Year is also a continuation. Lantern Festival, also known as "Spring Festival." According to the Chinese folk tradition, in this Haoyue hanging in the sky the night, the main points from 10,000 lantern as a sign of celebration. Full moon out, Lotus Lantern Fang Yan, hi guess lantern riddles, eating a total of Lantern Festival, on this day, people with good wishes of family reunion to celebrate the festive season, and enjoyable.
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2008-10-30 · TA获得超过505个赞
英文Mogao Grottoes, also known as the "Thousand-Buddha Cave", located 25 km southeast of Dunhuang City, the cliff Mingsha Shan Dong Lu, China's three great art treasure-house of one of the caves. Qian Qin cave before cutting in 2002 yuan (366 AD), after the amendment on behalf of experience, this deposit 492 caves, 45,000 square meters murals colorful statue of 2415, China's existing grotto art treasure-house of the largest, most content-rich 1. The main feature of the art in architecture, statues and murals on the organic combination of all three. Cangjing Dong has been unearthed in the scriptures, instruments, embroidery, portraits and so on more than 50,000 pieces of high artistic value. System reflects the ancient East-West cultural exchanges in all aspects of human culture, rare treasures.

Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shi Huang Hang Lintong District of Xi'an City is located 6 km south of the West Yangcun, 1225 meters east of Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum, the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang was the largest group of Peizang Keng, pit and buried by the vast group of figurines is a powerful Qin Dynasty army In miniature. One is divided into the pits, two pits, on the 3rd hole. Figurines of the three pits with a total area of nearly 20,000 square meters, with a total of pit real, genuine horse pottery figurine of similar size, Ma Tao, about 8000, tens of thousands of weapons and practical. Pottery figurine figurines pit, according to Ma Tao ancient military formations arranged. Various types of pottery figurine, according to two generals in his capacity as figurines, figurines Jun Li, warrior figurines, and so on several levels, the clothes, cap, Shenzi vary, are thousands and thousands of pieces of figurines not the same as a face. Fully reflects China's ancient wisdom of the working people of China and the great ancient civilization in the history of the creation, by the peoples of the world's favorite, as the "Eighth Wonder of the World" in the history of the twentieth century's greatest archaeological discovery.

Spring Festival, is the first day of the first lunar month, also known as the lunar calendar, known as the "Chinese New Year." This is the most solemn of civil, the most popular of a traditional festival. The Spring Festival is a long history, which originated in the Shang period in the first ritual of the Suiwei worship activities. In accordance with China's Lunar New Year, the first month became the first Chinese New Year.
For thousands of years, so that the people in customs have become unusually rich and colorful celebration every year on the 23rd Layue from the Lunar New Year's Eve to play, ready every New Year, ten days or so before, people began to purchase busy New Year, also a child Installation of new clothes to the new cap, ready to wear New Year. Affixed to every New Year, New Year posted in the room window, hanging in front of the Red Lantern paste the God of Wealth, god, eating dumplings, steamed stuffed bun and other traditional foods, in the hope that the new year will have to update the starting point. Fu also lose the word, read a passer-by was a blessing, which is a blessing to these activities have not only enough to add festive atmosphere also embodies the Chinese culture for thousands of years of wisdom.

Is the first month of the Lunar New Year in January, said the ancients for the night, "night", said the fifteenth day for the Lantern Festival. Lantern Festival originated in the Han Dynasty. On the 15th day of the year in the first full moon night, is also the only one dollar complex, the rejuvenation of the earth at night, people have to celebrate, to celebrate Chinese New Year is also a continuation. Lantern Festival, also known as "Spring Festival." According to the Chinese folk tradition, in this Haoyue hanging in the sky the night, the main points from 10,000 lantern as a sign of celebration. Full moon out, Lotus Lantern Fang Yan, hi guess lantern riddles, eating a total of Lantern Festival, on this day, people with good wishes of family reunion to celebrate the festive season, and enjoyable.
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Mogao Grottoes, also known as the "Thousand-Buddha Cave", located 25 km southeast of Dunhuang City, the cliff Mingsha Shan Dong Lu, China's three great art treasure-house of one of the caves. Qian Qin cave before cutting in 2002 yuan (366 AD), after the amendment on behalf of experience, this deposit 492 caves, 45,000 square meters murals colorful statue of 2415, China's existing grotto art treasure-house of the largest, most content-rich 1. The main feature of the art in architecture, statues and murals on the organic combination of all three. Cangjing Dong has been unearthed in the scriptures, instruments, embroidery, portraits and so on more than 50,000 pieces of high artistic value. System reflects the ancient East-West cultural exchanges in all aspects of human culture, rare treasures.

Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shi Huang Hang Lintong District of Xi'an City is located 6 km south of the West Yangcun, 1225 meters east of Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum, Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum is the largest group of Peizang Keng, pit and buried by the vast group of figurines is a powerful Qin Dynasty army In miniature. One is divided into the pits, two pits, on the 3rd hole. Figurines of the three pits with a total area of nearly 20,000 square meters, with a total of pit real, genuine horse pottery figurine of similar size, Ma Tao, about 8000, tens of thousands of weapons and practical. Pottery figurine figurines pit, according to Ma Tao ancient military formations arranged. Various types of pottery figurine, according to two generals in his capacity as figurines, figurines Jun Li, warrior figurines, and so on several levels, the clothes, cap, Shenzi vary, are thousands and thousands of pieces of figurines not the same as a face. Fully reflects China's ancient wisdom of the working people of China and the great ancient civilization in the history of the creation, by the peoples of the world's favorite, as the "Eighth Wonder of the World" in the history of the twentieth century's greatest archaeological discovery.

Spring Festival, is the first day of the first lunar month, also known as the lunar calendar, known as the "Chinese New Year." This is the most solemn of civil, the most popular of a traditional festival. The Spring Festival is a long history, which originated in the Shang period in the first ritual of the Suiwei worship activities. In accordance with China's Lunar New Year, the first month became the first Chinese New Year.
For thousands of years, people make custom-year celebration has become uncommonly rich and varied, from the annual Chinese New Layue played on the 23rd New Year's Eve, New Year every household to prepare, about ten days before, people began to purchase busy New Year, also a child Installation of new clothes to the new cap, ready to wear New Year. Affixed to every New Year, New Year posted in the room window, hanging in front of the Red Lantern paste the God of Wealth, god, eating dumplings, steamed stuffed bun and other traditional foods, in the hope that the new year will have to update the starting point. Fu also lose the word, read a passer-by was a blessing, which is a blessing to these activities have not only enough to add festive atmosphere also embodies the Chinese culture for thousands of years of wisdom.

Is the first month of the Lunar New Year in January, said the ancients for the night, "night", said the fifteenth day for the Lantern Festival. Lantern Festival originated in the Han Dynasty. On the 15th day of the year in the first full moon night, is also the only one dollar complex, the rejuvenation of the earth at night, people have to celebrate, to celebrate Chinese New Year is also a continuation. Lantern Festival, also known as "Spring Festival." According to the Chinese folk tradition, in this Haoyue hanging in the sky the night, the main points from 10,000 lantern as a sign of celebration. Full moon out, Lotus Lantern Fang Yan, hi guess lantern riddles, eating a total of Lantern Festival, on this day, people with good wishes of family reunion to celebrate the festive season, and enjoyable.
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