
今天是坏的一天,早上起来,胃口就疼痛难忍。去了附近的医院,并拿了药。到了学校好像什么事都和我对着干,进校门摔跤,还撞了人。又去办公室接热水吃药,那里还有一大堆人。好不容易... 今天是坏的一天,早上起来,胃口就疼痛难忍。去了附近的医院,并拿了药。到了学校好像什么事都和我对着干,进校门摔跤,还撞了人。又去办公室接热水吃药,那里还有一大堆人。好不容易轮到我还没水了。真是糟糕透了!上课铃响了,我匆忙地跑回教室,单词还没有背 默写完之后,觉得默的太差了 ,结果默了13个 错了4个。我被叫到办公室 于师大怒道:“这就是你默的单词!回去写去!”也许您不知道我也很自责 就把13个单词每个都写了20便,去您那交的时候 你还是要求请我的家长,我含着泪跑出了办公室,回到家妈妈正在接电话,我想一会告诉他这件事。妈妈挂了电话后很悲痛 。我问他怎麽啦,他说:“你姥爷病了,很严重。”我心里也很难受,我不想在打击我的母亲,所以没有告诉他事情真相.
 我来答
2008-10-29 · TA获得超过296个赞
It's a bad day today.I got a terrible stomachache when I got up.I went to a hospital near here and got some medicine.It seemed that enerything went against me when I arrived at school.I fell over myself and knocked others down.Then I went to the office to get some hot water to take the medicine.There were lots of people there,so I have to wait.I waited for a long time and it was my turn.Unfortunately,there's no water.It was awful.The belt rang,so I have to rush to the classroom.I havn't kept the words in my mind.After writing the words from memory,I don't think I did well.I wrote 13 words,but only 9 of then were correct.The teacher asked me to his office and shouted:"Is this the words you write?Go back and write them again."Maybe you don't know that I felt repentant,my dear teacher.And I wrote the words each for 20 times.When I hand it in, you still asked my parents to come.I rushed out of the office with tears in my eyes.I got home when my mother was answering the phone,and I want to tell her about that later.Mom seemed sad when she cut off the phone,so I asked,"WhaIt's wrong?"She said,"Your grandpa was seriously ill."I also felt sad and I don't want to tell her the truth which can make her unhappy.
I wish my teacher will forgive me and give me the last chance.I will hold it.

还有那个“于师”是于师傅还是于老师啊???我写的是老师,如果是于师傅可以换成master Yu
机器翻译楼主应该看得出来,什么“Jinxiao Men wrestling,进校门摔跤比赛”的
2008-10-29 · TA获得超过401个赞

口头用语:I had a terrible day today. I woke up this morning,and i have a horrible stomachache. So I had to go to this clinic close by to get some pills. After I came to school, everything seemed to go wrong. I tripped at the school gate and ran into this guy. I went to the office to get some hot water to take the pills, but there was a long lineup. Finally, it got to my turn, but the water ran out. It was terrible! I rushed to the classroom on the bell, not finished reviewing the vocabulary. After the dictation, I felt so bad. It turned out to be 9 out of 13. I was called to the teacher's office. The teacher was mad,"This is your work! Go back and correct them!" Perhaps you didn't know, I felt ashamed of myself and rewrote the 13 words twenty times each and turned it back to you. But you still called my parents. I ran out of the office with tears. When i got home my mom was on the phone, so I decided to tell her later. After she hung up, she looked very upset. I asked her why, and she said:"Your grandpa is very sick, and it is very serious." I felt horrible, i didn't want to upset her even more by telling her the news, so i kept it to myself.
I hope you can understand me. Please give me one last chance, and I promise I will be very good.
Today is horrible day. In the morning, my stomach was hurting terribly. I went to a nearby hospital and picked up some medication. I tripped stepping through the school gate, and bumped into people. I went into the office to get some hot water to take the medicaion...however, there was a gigantic line up. When it finally got to my turn, the water unfortunately ran out! it is a terrible day! the bell rang,and I rushed back to the class, i haven't memorized all the vocabulary, after the dictation, i thought i did really poorly. and, it turned out i got 9 out of 13. i was called to the office, the teacher was very angry: "This is what you did! go back and correct them!" Maybe you do not know, i felt very bad about the mark, and i wrote the 13 words 20 times each. but you still called my parents, i ran out of the office with tears in my eyes. when i came home, my mother was on the phone, so i waited her to finish. She hang up the phone, looking very depressed. I asked what happened, she said: "your granpa is sick. the illness is very serious." I did not want her to become even more upset by telling her my horrible news, so i kept the words to myself.
I hope you can please forgive me and give me one last chance! I will make good use of it.

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2008-10-28 · TA获得超过345个赞
Today is bad day in the morning, the appetite for pain. To a nearby hospital and took drugs. In the school as if nothing and I oppose, Jinxiao Men wrestling, were also hit. Office of the hot water then went to take medicine, where there are a lot of people. Finally my turn to the still water. Really bad! Class rang, I rushed back to the classroom, the words have not yet back after dictation, that's too bad the silent, resulting in a silent 13 wrong 4. I was summoned to the office of the division was furious: "This is the silence of your words! To go back and write!" Maybe you do not know that I am very self-reproach had 13 words each of the 20 will write to you to pay it When you request or ask my parents, my tears ran out of the office, home mother is answer the phone, I would like to tell him this. Mother hung up the phone after the very sad. I asked him how it, he said: "Grandpa you sick, very serious." I was also very difficult subject, I do not want to blow my mother did not tell him the truth.
I hope that in the division will be able to understand me and give me one last chance! I will make good use of this!
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2008-10-28 · TA获得超过601个赞
Today was not my day!I got a terrible stomachache when I got up this morning. I had to go to the hospital and took some pills. But everyting seemed against to me. I fell down at the school gate, and hitted one people. After I was in shool, I went to get hot water in teacher's office for my pills, when there was so crowd there.Finally was my turn, but no water left.That's totally terrible!At that time,the bell rang, I ..........

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2008-10-28 · 超过22用户采纳过TA的回答
Today is a bad day.Just when I get up this moning,the stomach start to pain.Then I go to the hospital of neighborhood for a medicine.
When I arrive the school,my bad day just begin. First,I fall down at the school get and hit a people.Then I go to the office for a cup of water to take the medicine, and there are a lot of people ,so I have to wait .Very soon it's my turn for water,but the water has been go out of.It' too bad.There comes the ring, I run back to the classroom in a hurry, but I have't recite the words,so I get a bad result in the test:I get 4 errors in 13 words.So Miss yu is very angery,he told me to the office and ask me to rewrite the words.I'm very remorse,I write every word 20 times.When I hand in my book,you ask my parents to see you.I run out of the office with tears.
when I get home,my mother is taking a telephone,so I decide to tell her this thing after her finish the phone.But when my mother fisish the phone,she is very sad,she tell me that grandmother have a serious illness.I don't want to strick my mother,so I den't tell my mother this yhing.
I hope that Miss yu can forgive me,give me the last chanse! I promiss to collect my error and work hard.



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