
主题:1.CaringforOurEarth2.NobelPrizeWinners3.FamousBrandNames4.CloningandEthics从以上四个主题中... 主题:
1.Caring for Our Earth
2.Nobel Prize Winners
3.Famous Brand Names
4.Cloning and Ethics

2008-11-05 · TA获得超过1055个赞
Caring for our Earth
International environmental conference for children held in Norway

On 24 May 2005, the 5th International Environmental conference for Children was officially opened in beautiful Norway. The venue for this biannual conference was Sola, a coastal area of Norway's "oil city" Stavanger, and children from 36 countries all over the world participated.

The conference was organized by the local environmental organisation Young Agenda 21, and the main theme was " Caring for our Earth ". The participating children were aged 10 - 13 and through discussions based on their experiences from environmental work in their respective countries, the participants gained a deeper understanding of the crisis faced by the Earth that we all depend upon. The conference exhibition centre displayed the children's own art works - posters, photographies, and other forms of ecologically focused art. Everywhere one could hear news from different countries and in the many exhibition areas one could learn about a variety of local conditions and customs from all over the world. The young advocates of the environment gave song and dance performances, held lively discussion meetings, exchanged gifts and made new environmentally engaged friends.

The Chinese representatives' group leader was Global Village's project officer Li Li and the group consisted of one volunteer and 4 students from GVB's Green Angel programme. At the conference the volunteer, Ms(?) Xu Jie, introduced Global Village and the Green Angel programme and three of the students gave a dance performance over the true story of Xu Xiujuan, a little girl who sacrificed her life to protect wild animals. Little Xiujuan loved cranes very much. One day she discovered an injured crane in the nearby lake and threw herself in to rescue it. After she later graduated from university, she came back to the place where she had nursed the sick crane and one day, while she was trying to save an injured swan, she fell in the water and never came back up.

The Green Angels' performance received warm applause. The audience was made up of children from many countries with different languages and culture, but Ms Chen Ruimin gave an English language introduction, and Wang Peiyi and Li Ruisi gave such an inspired and communicative performance that many people in the audience had to shed a tear. The stage had also been decorated by four Chinese characters in Zhao Xiaojun's beautiful calligraphy, saying "Take good care of our Earth". After the performance, the audience and the performers also shouted "Take good care of our Earth" together in Chinese. Members of the audience thanked the Green Angels for their beautiful performance and for bringing Chinese culture to the world in this way.

Although the 5 day conference is now over, our environmental cause continues. And certainly, through the efforts of such green emissaries, more and more people will join our ranks and our fight to protect our common home!
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