东京审判英文台词 I do apologize for some Japanese guy's behavior At first,I was astonished by the movie plots and the whole story.Some history could not be neglected.Surely ignoring is not the way of solving the problems Secondly, many Chinese and Korean friends must hate the prime minister's behavior.I am not defencing, this is just an objective truth that visiting the shrine is not totally wrong as a Japanese military officer,however ,he was not just visiting the shrine(if yes, he should have visited it secretly),he was offending. Thirdly, though I don't know Chinese language very much, but I know, the words here must be full of hatred and anger.No matter how beautiful word could not change the history, but I must say sorry again, despite I am just a peanut not something. I still wish the future world a joyful, beautiful and peaceful one.Can we shake hands before long? 首先,我需要告诉你,历史不是故事,这部电影是按照历史事件来拍摄的!力求还原历史!!!为求真实,导演不准演员擅自更改台词!!这在以往的任何影片都是没有的!! 其次,我们应该痛恨日本右翼势力,但是作为一国总理的小泉,是不是应该为自己的所作所为负责?他的做法是不是在错误的引导一些不明史实的日本国民!?? 你说参拜神社的日本军官并不是完全错误!?笑话!!除非那些战争罪人,战争魔鬼被请出神社!! 第三,建议你好好学习一下中国历史,世界战争史! 第四,我想用你的题目反问你:是谁先对不起谁??我们今天在这里声讨日本人曾经、现在、甚至将来都不愿认错的恶劣行为,日本在中国杀死22000000中国人的生命!!是谁对不起谁??