大家好,我想请求各位大侠帮帮翻译几个句子,要准确翻译,准确的!很急,请帮帮忙。谢谢了! 1.in this essay, i will outline the arguments for and against sex education in schools. 2.this essay will look at some of the arguments for and against physical punishment of children. 3.in this essay , i will look at some of the arguments for and against the increased emphasis on degrees in our society. 4.thchnology is more than hardware and silicon chips. 最后有一个大问题,一直搞不明白,是不是句子中有“against...”就是表明自己的观点是呈现反对意见的啊??可是我看例文,也不是啊。。。我也搞不懂了。 谢谢你们了啊。敬礼!
1.in this essay, i will outline the arguments for and against sex education in schools. 在这篇文章中,我将概括反对在学校性别教育的争论 2.this essay will look at some of the arguments for and against physical punishment of children. 这篇文章将讨论一些赞同和反对体罚孩子的争论 3.in this essay , i will look at some of the arguments for and against the increased emphasis on degrees in our society. 这篇文章将讨论一些赞同和反对在我们社会增加学历强调度的争论 4.thchnology is more than hardware and silicon chips. 应用科学不只是硬盘和硅片。 against ['ɡenst, 'ɡeinst] prep. 反对,违反;靠;倚;防备 adj. 对立的;不利的 但在你的这几个句子中都是反对的意思。